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Full text of "Overview of U.S. policy in Europe : hearing before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, March 9, 1995"

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MARCH  9,  1995 

Printed  for  the  use  of  the  Committee  on  International  Relations 



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MARCH  9,  1995 

Printed  for  the  use  of  the  Committee  on  International  Relations 




90-001  CC  WASHINGTON  :  1995 

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BENJAMIN  A.  GILMAN,  New  York,  Chairman 

WILLIAM  F.  GOODLING,  Pennsylvania 

JAMES  A.  LEACH,  Iowa 

TOBY  ROTH,  Wisconsin 

HENRY  J.  HYDE,  Illinois 

DOUG  tfEREUTER,  Nebraska 


DAN  BURTON,  Indiana 

JAN  MEYERS,  Kansas 

ELTON  GALLEGLY,  California 


CASS  BALLENGER,  North  Carolina 


DONALD  A.  MANZULLO,  Illinois 

EDWARD  R.  ROYCE,  California 

PETER  T.  KING,  New  York 

JAY  KIM,  California 


DAVID  FUNDERBURK,  North  Carolina 



MATT  SALMON,  Arizona 
AMO  HOUGHTON,  New  York 

LEE  H.  HAMILTON,  Indiana 

SAM  GEJDENSON,  Connecticut 

TOM  LANTOS,  California 


HOWARD  L.  BERMAN,  California 

GARY  L.  ACKERMAN,  New  York 


ELIOT  L.  ENGEL,  New  York 


MATTHEW  G.  MARTINEZ,  California 
DONALD  M.  PAYNE,  New  Jersey 
ROBERT  E.  ANDREWS,  New  Jersey 
ALCEE  L.  HASTINGS,  Florida 
MICHAEL  R.  McNULTY,  New  York 
JAMES  P.  MORAN,  Virginia 
VICTOR  O.  FRAZER,  Virgin  Islands  (Ind.) 

Richard  J.  Garon,  Chief  of  Staff 

Michael  H.  Van  Dusen,  Minority  Chief  of  Staff 

JOHN  M.  HERZBERG,  Professional  Staff  Member 

TRACY  E.  HART,  Staff  Associate 





The  Honorable  Richard  C.  Holbrooke,  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  Euro- 
pean and  Canadian  Affairs,  Department  of  State  2 


Richard  C.  Holbrooke,  prepared  statement  33 

Response  to  question  submitted  by  members 47 



THURSDAY,  MARCH  9,  1995 

House  of  Representatives, 
Committee  on  International  Relations, 

Washington,  DC. 

The  committee  met,  pursuant  to  call,  at  10:05  a.m.,  in  room 
2200,  Rayburn  House  Office  Building,  Hon.  Benjamin  A.  Gilman 
(chairman  of  the  committee)  presiding. 

The  Chairman.  The  committee  will  come  to  order. 

Before  we  begin  our  hearing  today,  Ambassador  Holbrooke,  I 
would  like  to  address  just  another  topic  that  is  of  some  concern  to 
us  all. 

This  is  the  first  full  committee  hearing  since  the  shocking  assault 
that  claimed  the  lives  of  the  members  of  the  staff  of  our  consulate 
general  in  Karachi  and  wounded  a  third.  I  would  like  to  extend 
through  you  to  your  colleagues  in  the  Foreign  Service  our  condo- 

They  go  overseas  in  service  to  our  Nation  and  we  in  the  Congress 
share  with  the  executive  branch  responsibility  for  assuring  that 
they  are  as  secure  as  possible  in  performing  services  abroad. 

It  is  incumbent  upon  all  of  us  in  the  Congress — and  especially 
the  members  of  this  committee — to  do  whatever  is  necessary  to- 
ward that  end  in  providing  security;  toward  the  end  of  eradicating 
the  scourge  of  international  terrorism,  whether  directed  at  Ameri- 
cans or  at  anyone  else,  anywhere  on  the  Earth. 

So  I  invite  our  colleagues  to  observe  a  moment  of  silence  in  trib- 
ute to  our  fellow  Americans  who  have  been  struck  down  in  Kara- 


Today's  hearing  is  the  first  opportunity  of  our  committee  to  focus 
on  our  policy  in  Europe.  Our  witness,  Ambassador  Richard 
Holbrooke,  has  served  the  Clinton  administration  with  great  dis- 
tinction, first  as  our  Ambassador  to  Germany,  and  now  as  Assist- 
ant Secretary  for  European  and  Canadian  Affairs  at  the  Depart- 
ment of  State.  In  that  capacity,  we  look  forward  to  Ambassador 
Holbrooke's  presentation  of  an  overview  of  the  region  for  which  he 
is  responsible — a  region  that  stretches  from  our  northern  neighbor 
to  the  Baltic  countries. 

Major  challenges  confront  our  policymakers  in  Europe,  especially 
in  the  Balkans,  where  wider  and  more  violent  conflict  than  we 
have  seen  since  the  period,  immediately  following  the  disintegra- 
tion of  Yugoslavia,  threatens  once  again  to  break  out. 


Ambassador  Holbrooke  has  just  returned  from  talks  with  Cro- 
atian officials  on  the  question  of  withdrawing  the  U.N.  peacekeep- 
ing force  from  Croatia. 

Other  issues  on  Ambassador  Holbrooke's  agenda  include  NATO 
expansion  into  Eastern  Europe,  political  developments  in  Central 
and  Eastern  Europe — in  particular  the  status  of  political  and  eco- 
nomic reforms  in  the  former  Communist  bloc — and  the  need  to 
shore  up  our  ties  with  close  traditional  allies  such  as  France. 

I  would  note  for  our  members  that  while  Northern  Ireland  is  cer- 
tainly within  Ambassador  Holbrooke's  jurisdiction,  we  are  planning 
a  hearing  next  week  on  this  subject.  We  have  invited  the  Ambas- 
sador to  return  to  address  Northern  Ireland  at  that  time,  and  I 
hope  he  can  respond  affirmatively  to  our  invitation. 

The  committee  is  also  working  to  arrange  a  hearing  on  our  policy 
toward  the  states  of  the  former  Soviet  Union  at  which  Mr.  Jim  Col- 
lins, our  State  Department  Senior  Coordinator  for  the  New  Inde- 
pendent States  would  be  our  principal  witness. 

Before  calling  upon  the  Ambassador,  I  would  call  on  our  col- 
league, the  ranking  Democrat,  Mr.  Hamilton,  if  he  has  an  opening 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman.  Ambas- 
sador Holbrooke,  we  are  delighted  to  have  you  here.  We  look  for- 
ward to  your  testimony. 

The  Chairman.  Do  any  of  our  colleagues  wish  to  make  any  state- 
ment? If  not,  we  will  proceed  with  your  testimony,  Mr.  Holbrooke. 


Mr.  Holbrooke.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman.  It  is  a  great  pleas- 
ure to  appear  before  this  committee  again,  where  I  have  spent  so 
many  hours,  and  to  appear  before  you  as  Chairman  for  the  first 
time,  and  appear  before  Congressman  Hamilton,  who  I  have  testi- 
fied before  when  he  was  Chairman  so  often,  with  such  great  pleas- 

I  have  a  statement  for  the  record  I  would  like  to  submit  if  that 
is  all  right  with  you,  and  make  it 

The  Chairman.  Without  objection. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  And  make  a  few  brief  comments. 

At  the  end  of  the  cold  war  many  people  thought  that  America's 
political  and  strategic  presence  in  Europe  could  be  radically  down 
scaled.  We  have  been  able  to  reduce  our  troops  in  Europe  because 
the  Soviet  threat  no  longer  exists,  but  events  in  the  last  5  years 
have  made  it  clear  that  our  continued  presence  in  Europe  is  essen- 
tial for  a  stable  balance  of  power  in  Europe. 

We  are  in  fact,  whether  we  like  it  or  not,  a  European  power.  His- 
tory shows  in  this  century  that  when  we  disengage  from  Europe, 
Europe's  instability  which  follows  draws  us  back  in,  and  therefore 
this  administration  is  committed,  as  evidenced  most  symbolically 
by  President  Clinton's  four  trips  to  Europe  last  year,  to  an  active 
engaged  foreign  policy  throughout  Europe;  build  on  a  strong  sup- 
port from  NATO,  which  we  will  continue  to  lead;  strong  encourage- 
ment for  the  expansion  of  the  European  Union;  and  active  diplo- 
macy in  regard  to  Russia  and  the  former  Soviet  Union;  a  very  ac- 

tive  effort  in  the  countries  of  Central  Europe  emerging  from  com- 
munism, but  still  with  uncertain  democratic  traditions;  and  a  spe- 
cial emphasis  on  the  crisis  in  Bosnia  and  Croatia  and  the  Balkans. 

A  proper  European  security  structure  will  require  integration  of 
all  three  parts  of  Europe;  what  we  used  to  call  Western  Europe,  the 
NATO  countries;  what  we  used  to  call  Eastern  Europe,  but  which 
the  State  Department  has  renamed  Central  Europe;  and  I  was  very 
glad  to  see  that  for  the  first  time  this  morning  the  New  York  Times 
editorial  board  in  its  second  editorial  referred  to  the  region  as 
Central  Europe.  I  think  it  is  important  we  call  the  region,  Poland, 
Czech  Republic,  Hungary,  Slovakia,  Romania,  and  so  on,  Central 
Europe,  which  is  how  they  regard  themselves.  It  is  more  than  just 
a  word.  We  have  changed  it  and  I  hope  that  your  committee  will. 
I  suggested  last  week  to  the  Senate  that  the  SEED  Program  ought 
to  be  renamed  the  SCED  Program  to  reflect  the  change,  and  I  was 
not  being  entirely  factitious. 

But  in  any  case,  Central  Europe  is  an  important  part  of  Europe 
where  instability  has  been  incipient,  where  the  two  worst  wars  in 
the  history  of  humanity  and  the  cold  war  all  played  themselves  out 
in  the  lifetimes  of  our  parents  and  grandparents.  And,  finally,  Rus- 
sia and  the  former  Soviet  Republics. 

In  order  to  integrate  these  three  parts  of  Europe,  American  lead- 
ership is  required  to  be  continuous,  active  and  engaged.  The  long- 
term  goals  should  be  clear.  The  Europe  of  the  institutions  should 
expand  to  meet  the  Europe  of  the  map.  That  will  take  time.  The 
process  has  already  begun.  Partnership  for  Peace  and  OECD  have 
already  reached  out  to  these  countries.  NATO  and  the  European 
Union  lie  ahead.  We  are  actively  engaged  in  leading  our  NATO  al- 
lies toward  a  slow,  gradual,  careful,  Dut  inexorable  expansion  east- 
ward. It  is  one  of  the  most  important  aspects  of  our  policy. 

And  you  mentioned,  Mr.  Chairman,  that  I  have  just  come  back 
yesterday  from  Zagreb,  which  is  correct.  But  the  previous  week, 
and  I  would  also  like  to  note  this,  I  had  returned  from  an  equally 
important  trip  to  Turkey,  Romania,  Slovakia  and  Hungary.  And  in 
Hungary  I  met  as  well  with  all  the  American  Ambassadors  to  the 
Central  European  nations.  So  I  hope  we  will  be  able  to  also  discuss 
our  important  policies  in  that  region. 

This  process  will  take  time  and  will  require  a  bipartisan  effort 
with  the  Congress. 

I  will  be  happy  to  answer  any  specific  questions  you  have  on 
these  issues  or  any  others  that  might  be  of  interest  to  you. 

Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

[The  prepared  statement  of  Mr.  Holbrooke  appears  in  the  appen- 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Holbrooke. 

Ambassador  Holbrooke,  today's  New  York  Times  carries  a  story 
about  a  highly  classified  CIA  report  on  atrocities  in  the  Bosnian 
conflict.  Now,  the  report  is  sourced  to  high  U.S.  officials  who  have 
been  privy  to  the  report,  and  it  says,  quoting  one  official  that  while, 
and  I  quote,  "No  conclusive  evidence  has  been  found  of  the  direct 
involvement  of  Bosnian,  Serb  or  Serbian  leaders  in  the  planning 
and  execution  of  large-scale  ethnic  cleansing,  the  systematic  nature 
of  the  Serbian  action  strongly  suggests  that  Pale,  the  Bosnian  Serb 

capital,  and  Belgrade  exercised  a  careful  veiled  role  in  the  purpose- 
ful destruction  and  dispersal  of  non-Serb  populations." 

Have  you  read  that  report?  If  so,  do  you  agree  with  its  conclusion 
that  Serbian  leader  Milosevic  is  extremely  ill-fitted  for  the  role  of 
peacemaker?  Please  see  to  it  that  I,  along  with  other  congressional 
leaders,  are  able  to  see  that  report. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Mr.  Chairman,  I  have  seen  the  report.  I  was 
briefed  on  it,  I  think,  in  November,  or  December.  I  do  not  remem- 
ber the  exact  date.  I  found  it  so  interesting  that  I  stopped  the  brief- 
ing shortly  after  it  started,  and  called  in  all  the  senior  people  in 
the  office  and  all  the  staff  people  around  because  I  wanted  them 
to  see  the  visual. 

For  those  people  who  have  not  been  in  the  region  firsthand,  the 
report  can  be  quite  shocking.  Anyone  who  has  traveled  in  the  area 
will  find  nothing  surprising  in  it.  The  Serbs  started  this  war.  The 
Serbs  are  the  original  cause  of  the  war.  The  report  points  out  that 
atrocities  have  been  committed  on  both  sides,  or  all  sides,  but  that 
the  burden  of  responsibility  and  guilt  lies  clearly  with  the  Serbs. 

And  it  did  not  affect  my  view  of  the  situation,  Mr.  Chairman,  be- 
cause it  contained  nothing  except  additional  corroborative  evidence. 

As  for  the  congressional  access  to  it,  I  cannot  speak  for  the  origi- 
nating agency  in  a  formal  way.  But  I  can  assure  you  that  if  it  has 
not  already  been  provided  to  your  committee,  I  will  recommend  it 
be  done,  and  I  would  be  happy  to  try  to  arrange  it  as  soon  as  this 
is  over. 

I  understand  that  the  report  is  in  the  possession  of,  and  available 
to  you,  through  the  House  Select  Intelligence  Subcommittee. 

The  Chairman.  I  am  sure  it  would  be,  and  we  appreciate  your 
efforts  in  doing  that. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  We  will  follow  up  on  that  right  after  this  hear- 

As  for  your  question  about  Mr.  Milosevic,  first  of  all,  I  do  not 
agree  at  all  with  the  statement  in  the  Times  article,  that  the  ad- 
ministration may  fear  that  wide  dissemination  of  the  report  could 
cause  Mr.  Milosevic  to  cease  his  cooperation,  et  cetera.  I  just  do  not 
agree  with  that.  These  are  facts.  They  must  be  dealt  with  as  facts. 

As  for  Mr.  Milosevic,  he  has  his  own  objectives.  I  see  no  indica- 
tion that  he  has  changed  those  objectives,  but  he  has  changed  his 
tactics.  Last  year  he  opted  out  of  the  war.  That  was  an  important 
development  notwithstanding  the  fact  that  the  war  originated  with 
actions  that  he  started.  And  we  do  not  cooperate  with  Mr. 
Milosevic.  We  try  to  work  with  all  the  parties  to  end  this  terrible 
war,  and  we  will  continue  to  do  so. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Secretary,  President  Clinton  has  committed 
our  Nation  to  providing  some  $10  million  in  fiscal  year  1995  secu- 
rity assistance  to  support  the  creation  and  training  of  the  Joint 
Baltic  Peacekeeping  Battalion.  Most  of  the  $10  million  is  yet  to  be 
obligated.  As  I  understand,  there  seems  to  be  no  funds  yet  avail- 
able to  provide  the  balance  of  the  $10  million.  In  fact,  there  has 
been  talk  of  taking  that  fund  from  the  economic  assistance  account 
for  Eastern  Europe  to  pay  for  the  balance  of  that  security  assist- 
ance commitment  by  the  President;  kind  of  like  robbing  Peter  to 
pay  Paul.  Some  of  us  feel  that  would  be  a  bad  precedent  for  our 
economic  assistance  program. 

Can  you  tell  us  what  the  status  is  of  that  matter  and  where  will 
the  balance  of  the  $10  million  be  funded? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  The  President  of  the  United  States  made  a  pub- 
lic commitment  on  this  in  Riga  in  the  summer  of  last  year.  That 
commitment  will  be  met. 

The  problem  arose,  quite  frankly,  after  Haiti,  when  the  budg- 
etary pressures,  some  of  them  coming  from  Congress,  required  an 
immediate  shifting  of  funds  to  cover  a  short-term  need,  and  a 
shortfall  developed  in  the  Baltic  Peacekeeping  Battalion.  It  is  very 
small.  I  think  it  is  now  down  to  $1.3  million  out  of  the  original  $10 

I  cannot  give  you  the  fiscal  details,  Mr.  Chairman,  but  I  can  ab- 
solutely categorically  assure  you  that  the  President's  commitment 
will  be  met.  The  problem  has  been  that  since  the  Congress  has  in- 
sisted that  each  additional  activity  be  funded  out  of  existing  funds, 
there  has  been  a  lot  of  shifting  of  funds,  and  this  has  created  more 
bureaucratic  confusion  over  relatively  small  amounts  of  money 
than  I  have  ever  experienced  in  my  government  career.  But  it  will 
not  affect  this  commitment.  I  assure  you  of  that. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Secretary.  Mr.  Hamilton. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Secretary,  we  have  some  deadlines  approaching  that  worry 
me  a  great  deal.  One  is  the  March  31  expiration  of  the 
UNPROFOR  mandate  in  Croatia,  and  the  possible  withdrawal  of 
the  UNPROFOR  troops  as  insisted  upon  by  President  Tudjman. 

The  second  date  is  the  May  1  deadline  for  the  renewal  of  the  ces- 
sation of  hostilities  agreement  in  Bosnia. 

If  I  understand  the  President's  commitment,  our  President's  com- 
mitment, it  is  that  we  are  prepared  to  put  U.S.  ground  forces  into 
Bosnia,  to  help  UNPROFOR  withdraw,  if  that  event  comes  about. 
And  I  fully  understand  your  position  that  you  want  UNPROFOR 
to  stay,  and  we  all  do,  I  think,  but  it  may  not. 

Witn  respect  to  Croatia,  it  is  not  clear  to  me  that  the  President 
has  made  a  commitment  for  U.S.  forces  to  assist  in  bringing 
UNPROFOR  out  of  Croatia;  at  least  he  has  not  made  a  public 
statement  with  regard  to  that. 

My  principal  concern  here,  I  guess,  is  what  might  happen  if  we 
have  to  commit  forces  to  withdraw  UNPROFOR.  And  my  worry,  of 
course,  is  that  we  would  be  drawn  in  to  protect  the  civilian  popu- 
lation, to  provide  humanitarian  assistance,  or  to  respond  to  mili- 
tary provocation  that  might  arise. 

The  question,  then,  is  do  I  have  your  assurance  that  if  it  is  nec- 
essary for  the  United  States  to  put  combat  forces  into  Bosnia,  or 
into  Croatia,  to  help  UNPROFOR  withdraw,  that  they  will  be  there 
only  for  the  purpose  of  the  UNPROFOR  pullout,  and  that  they  will 
not  remain  there  for  any  other  purpose? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Yes. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  That  is  a  very  important  assurance. 

Now,  secondly,  the  President  has  not  made  a  public  case  for  put- 
ting troops  into  Bosnia  or  into  Croatia.  I  think  he  may  have  com- 
mented on  it,  but  has  not  made  a  public  case  for  it.  I  am  sure  you 
recognize  how  difficult  it  would  be  under  present  circumstances  to 
get  the  Congress  to  go  along  with  putting  American  forces  in  the 
former  Yugoslavia  for  any  purpose. 

I  suppose  the  reason  for  the  President  not  making  the  case  up 
to  this  point  is  that  he  wants  to  give  every  possible  opportunity  for 
diplomacy  to  succeed.  Is  that  correct? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  That  is  correct. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Have  I  state  accurately  our  commitments  as  you 
understand  them  at  this  point? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Yes.  I  think  you  have  exactly,  Mr.  Hamilton. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  What  can  you  tell  us  with  respect  to  your  recent 
visit  there?  And  I  guess  my  real  interest  here  is  the  broader  ques- 
tion. Are  you  optimistic  that  we  can  avoid  UNPROFOR  pullout? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  Congressman  Hamilton,  first  of  all,  I 
would  like  to  tell  you  as  little  as  you  would  permit  me  to  on  this 
because  having  just  returned  from  Zagreb  yesterday,  and  planning 
to  return  to  the  region  this  weekend,  we  are  in  the  midst  of  a  very 
delicate  and  critical  discussion  with  the  Government  of  Croatia. 
Both  sides  agreed  we  would  not  discuss  the  details  in  public. 

You  have  correctly  stated  our  view  and  our  goal.  I  would  like  to 
say  one  thing  on  behalf  of  the  Croatians,  because  our  disagreement 
with  their  goal — with  their  tactic — is  so  well  understood,  and  that 
is  that  they  have  a  legitimate  grievance.  Legitimate  grievances 
that  under  the  cover  of  the  U.N.  forces  in  the  Krajina,  the  Serbs, 
the  Croatian-Serbs  did  ethnically  cleanse  the  Krajina  of  Croatians, 
causing  hundreds  of  thousands  of  refugees. 

The  Vance  Plan,  in  short,  was  never  fully  implemented.  And  I 
conveyed  to  President  Tudjman  our  view  that  the  consequences  of 
U.N.  withdrawal  from  the  Krajina  could  be  extraordinarily  dan- 
gerous, and  could  trigger  the  most  dangerous  situation  Europe  has 
seen  since  1945.  And  we  are  currently  discussing  ways  to  avoid 
that  outcome. 

But  I  would  like  to  express  that  the  concern  that  has  led  them 
to  this  action  is  legitimate.  It  is  simply  that  the  course  that  they 
have  chosen  to  follow  to  deal  with  it  is  far  too  dangerous  for  the 
United  States  and  our  Western  allies  to  sit  idly  by  and  watch  un- 

And  with  your  permission,  I  would  like  to  reserve  the  details  for 
another  forum. 

Mr.  HAMILTON.  My  time  is  up.  I  just  want  to  convey  to  you  that 
I  think  we  are  at  a  very  critical  point,  approaching  a  very  critical 
point  here. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  think  we  are  there,  Mr.  Hamilton. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  It  is  our  obligation,  I  believe,  to  be  crystal  clear 
as  to  what  the  United  States  and  what  NATO  will  do  and  what  we 
will  not  do  in  these  circumstances.  And  I  hope  that  part  of  that 
statement  is  that  we  will  not  enter  the  war  on  behalf  of  either 
Bosnia  or  Croatia. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  believe  that  that  is  well  understood  in  Zagreb. 
If  there  was  any  previous  misunderstanding,  I  do  not  think  there 
could  be  any  after  our  discussions. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Is  it  well  understood  in  Sarajevo? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  think  thev  have  understood  that  for  some 
time,  but  there  is  the  additional  point  in  Sarajevo  which  does  not 
apply  in  Croatia  concerning  the  resolution  to  lift  the  arms  embargo, 
and  that  creates  a  different  set  of  sequences.  So  we  are  talking — 
first  of  all,  I  completely  agree  with  your  comment  that  we  are  at 

a  decisive  and  critical  moment  because  of  the  twin  deadlines  we 
are  approaching. 

But  in  regard  to  Bosnia,  because  there  is  a  resolution  in  both 
chambers  to  lift  the  arms  embargo,  and  because  that  would  trigger 
a  U.N.  withdrawal  from  Bosnia,  leaving  Croatia  aside,  and  would 
then  create  enormous  pressures  for  other  actions,  I  think  that  the 
message  as  you  conveyed  it  may  not  be  perceived  the  same  way  in 
Sarajevo  as  it  is  on  Zagreb. 

What  I  am  saying  here  is  that  in  regard  to  Croatia,  I  believe  the 
executive  branch,  working  with  our  friends  in  Zagreb  and  the  gov- 
ernment, can  deal  with  the  problem  for  the  time  being  with  your 
important  public  statement.  But  in  Sarajevo,  the  actions  of  Con- 
gress over  the  next  few  weeks  will  also  be  a  critical  variable. 

I  hope  that  is  a  response  to  your  question. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Well,  to  the  extent  that  there  is  doubt  in  Sara- 
jevo about  whether  we  are  prepared  to  put  U.S.  forces  into  Bosnia, 
that  creates,  I  think,  an  even  more  dangerous  situation. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  I  understand  that,  Congressman  Hamil- 
ton. And  what  I  am  suggesting  is  not  that  they  think  we  are  going 
to  put  forces  in,  but  that  there  is  great  lack  of  clarity  among  the 
advocates  of  the  unilateral  lift  resolution  as  to  what  those  advo- 
cates wish  to  have  follow  that  event.  Air  strikes,  military  assist- 
ance, equipment,  training;  no  one  is  talking  about  ground  troops. 
Everyone  has  made  clear  there  will  not  be  American  ground  troops, 
but  there  has  been  a  question,  and  one  that  I  hope  that  this  com- 
mittee will  address,  as  to — particularly  the  people  who  support  uni- 
lateral lift — what  exactly  they  are  supporting  beyond  the  action  of 
lift  itself,  because  you  cannot— to  lift  and  then  walk  away  would 
be  the  most  irresponsible  act  imaginable. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  If  the  Congress  of  the  United  States  passed  a  bill 
calling  for  the  unilateral  lifting  of  the  sanctions,  the  embargo, 
would  the  President  veto  it? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  am  not  able  to  answer  that  question,  Con- 

Mr.  Hamilton.  My  judgment  is  the  President  should  make  his 
position  clear  on  it. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  When  I  say  I  am  not  able  to  answer  that,  the 
Vice  President  has  already  said  publicly  thatthe  would  veto  it  if 
necessary.  But  the  actual  action  of  how  he  will  respond,  there  are 
several  options  here.  But  our  opposition  to  it  is  clear  because  we 
believe  that  it  creates  consequences  that  are  of  enormous  danger. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  The  chair  will  try  to  hold  members  to  5  minutes, 
but  I  granted  the  distinguished  ranking  minority  member  some  lib- 
erty on  this  issue  because  I  think  the  dialogue,  the  question  here 
was  important  to  us  all. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman,  may  I  just  make  one  additional 
comment  regarding  an  event  next  week  which  might  be  appropriate 
to  mention? 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Yes. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Next  week  we  will  be  celebrating  the  first  anni- 
versary of  the  federation  between  the  Croatians  of  Bosnia  and  the 
Bosnian  Muslims.  Secretary  Christopher  will  preside  over  this 
event.  We  are  going  to — we  are  organizing  it  now.  We  hope  to  have 


very  high  level  participation  from  the  region.  We  will  be  inviting 
Members  of  Congress  to  participate  as  well. 

I  mention  that  because  your  support  for  the  federation  is  a  criti- 
cally important  component  of  preventing  the  Serbs  from  completing 
their  goals.  And  whether  or  not  a  person  supports  unilateral  lift  or 
not,  I  nope  that  there  will  be  unanimity  of  support  in  regard  to  the 
federation.  We  will  be  discussing  this  in  greater  detail  with  you  in 
the  next  few  days. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Thank  you  very  much. 

I  think  the  assurance  that  you  gave  Chairman  Hamilton  was 

Earticularly  important,  that  U.S.  troops  would  not  be  used  for 
roader  purposes  than  extraction  of  troops  in  Croatia  if  that  proves 
necessary.  I  need  to  say  to  the  administration  and  to  the  President 
that  there  is  no  support  for  broader  use  of  troops  in  the  Congress 
or  in  the  American  people.  In  fact,  there  is  deep  opposition  to  it. 
The  President  needs  to  understand  that. 

I  would  also  like  to  comment  briefly  upon  our  current  flop  with 
France  over  industrial  espionage.  Having  just  come  off  of  a  6-year 
term  on  the  House  Select  Committee  on  Intelligence,  the  chair  is 
aware,  despite  protests  to  the  contrary,  that  France  has  conducted 
an  undeclared  industrial  espionage  war  against  the  businesses  of 
the  United  States.  I  am  talking  about  commercial  enterprises  in 
France  and  abroad  and  in  this  country. 

The  House  Select  Intelligence  Committee  has  told  the  Central  In- 
telligence Agency  and  the  intelligence  community  generally  to  de- 
fend our  economic  interest,  and  that  is  what  we  are  going  to  do. 
And  while  we  do  not  desire  a  confrontation  with  France,  we  do  not 
believe  that  this  matter  ought  to  be  used  for  election  politics  in 
France  neither. 

Second,  I  would  like  to  say  that  I  think  the  administration  need- 
ed to  have  taken  a  stronger  role  last  year  in  the  selection  of  the 
Secretary  General  for  NATO.  A  variety  of  things  happened  which 
suggested  that  certain  countries  coula  not  provide  the  next  Sec- 
retary General,  and  we  have  had  two  very  strong  Secretary  Gen- 
erals, and  that  has  been  very  important.  The  last  two  have  been 
very  strong. 

We  are  watching  with  some  interest  the  current  situation  and 
the  current  Secretary  General's  difficulties  in  his  own  country. 

But  I  would  say  that  when  the  members  of  the  North  Atlantic 
Assembly  made  a  recent  visit  there,  that  our  views  about  some  im- 
portant matters  on  NATO/U.N.  relationships  left  the  members  of 
our  delegation  ambivalent,  as  you  may  have  heard  from  reports 
from  State  Department  personnel  involved. 

There  is  a  troubling  view  that  has  emerged  among  some  of  our 
friends  and  allies  in  Europe,  and  we  certainly  saw  nothing  which 
made  us  feel  more  at  ease  from  listening  to  the  Secretary  General 
and  the  Ambassadors  to  NATO  from  the  various  other  countries, 
to  ease  our  concerns.  That  concern  is  there  is  an  attitude  that 
NATO  should  be  viewed  subservient  as  a  superactor  or  otherwise 
to  the  United  Nations.  The  U.S.  congressional  delegation  to  the 
NAA  on  a  bipartisan  basis  across  the  whole  political  spectrum  here 
reject  that  concept,  and  we  are  quite  concerned  about  how  relation- 
ships between  the  United  Nations  and  NATO  have  evolved  in  the 
former  Yugoslavia,  and  the  way  things  are  being  handled  there. 

I  notice  with  some  interest  that  you  on  page  13  of  your  statement 
said,  "In  no  way  can  OSCE,"  we  used  to  know  that  as  CSEE,  "be 
made  superior  to  NATO."  It  is  the  view  of  Members  of  Congress 
that  watch  NATO  that  that  same  attitude  needs  to  be  reenforced 
with  all  of  our  European  allies  and  with  the  Secretary  General. 

If  you  have  any  comments  about  that,  I  would  be  pleased  to  hear 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman,  allow  me  to  express  some  great 
bafflement  here.  I  just  do  not  know  what  you  are  talking  about. 
There  is  absolutely  no  action  that  this  administration  has  ever 
taken  that  would  subordinate  NATO  to  any  other  organization. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  No,  I 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  On  the  contrary,  on  the  contrary. 

Mr.  BEREUTER.  Mr.  Secretary,  you  misunderstand.  I  am  saying 
that  this  is  a  concern  that  is  growing  in  Europe,  and  we  want  you 
to  know  we  think  that  is  a  dangerous  kind  of 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  have  must  spent  a  year,  again,  Congressman, 
I  have  just  spent  a  year  living  in  Germany.  I  never  heard  that 
charge.  I  want  to  reserve  comment  on  one  issue  for  a  minute,  and 
that  is  the  dual  key  arrangement  in  Bosnia,  which  is  one  of  the 
worst  arrangements  I  have  ever  seen  in  my  life. 

But  on  the  question  of  NATO,  we  lead  NATO.  In  the  last  few 
months  this  administration,  with  support  from  the  Congress,  bipar- 
tisan support,  has  been  leading  a  process  of  expanding  NATO,  as 
I  said  in  my  opening  statement,  eastward  gradually  and  carefully, 
to  bring  in  the  countries  of  Central  Europe. 

Without  us  there  will  be  no  NATO.  There  are  countries  in  Eu- 
rope that  would  like  to  subordinate  NATO,  not  to  the  U.N.,  but  to 
the  EU,  or  to  the  European  defense  pillar,  or  to  the  WEU.  We  all 
know  which  countries  those  are.  It  will  not  happen.  It  is  unaccept- 
able. NATO  is  the  most  important  peacetime  military  alliance  in 
the  history  of  the  world,  and  this  administration  has  done  every- 
thing it  can  to  strengthen  it. 

You  correctly  quoted  my  comment  about  OSCE.  It  applies  equal- 
ly to  the  U.N.  or  any  other  organization. 

Now,  there  is  one  very  unfortunate  fact  which  we  inherited,  and 
that  is  this  famous  or  infamous  dual  key  arrangement.  It  is  ter- 
rible. It  takes  two  important  organizations,  the  U.N.  and  NATO, 
with  totally  different  mandates  and  functions,  and  gives  them  a 
mutual  interdependence  which  weakens  them  both.  I  hope  we 
never  see  it  again.  It  was  a  disaster. 

Seven  times  last  year  they  were  what  many  of  you  would  regard 
as  pin  prick  NATO  air  strikes  under  constraints  imposed  by  the 

I  can  tell  you  that  until  the  cease-fire  took  place,  I  spent  a  great 
deal  of  time  trying  to  stimulate  stronger  NATO  action  every  time 
NATO  came  up  against  the  constraints  imposed  under  the  dual 
key.  And  this  was  doubly  ironic  because  very  often  you  had  coun- 
tries of  the  same — you  had  officers  of  the  same  nationality  and 
both  halves  of  the  dual  key  taking  contradictory  positions. 

I  hope  that  among  the  many  lessons  we  have  learned  from  this 
tragic  situation  in  Bosnia  that  will  be  one  of  them.  These  two  orga- 
nizations each  have  an  important  role.  We  should  not  mix  them  up. 


Mr.  Bereuter.  I  do  appreciate  my  colleagues'  indulgence.  I  do 
need  to  respond  to  the  Secretary  very  briefly  so  that  there  is  no 
confusion  about  this  issue. 

The  criticism  that  you  have  leveled  against  the  dual  key  arrange- 
ment of  course  are  broadly  shared  here,  and  we  appreciate  you 
speaking  out  on  that.  But  you  should  know  that,  for  example,  in 
the  1993  Copenhagen  meeting  of  the  North  Atlantic  Assembly  this 
issue  about  making  NATO  subservient  to  the  United  Nations  was 
voted  on,  and  American's  delegation  lost  in  that  issue  on  a  very 
close  vote. 

If  you  will  take  a  look  at  the  notes  that  someone  undoubtedly 
took  before  the  State  Department  and  for  our  Ambassador,  Robert 
Hunter,  who,  by  the  way,  is  doing  an  outstanding  job  for  us  there, 
you  will  find  that  when  the  question  was  raised  with  the  Secretary 
General,  that  in  fact,  we  received  no  assurances.  In  fact,  we  were 
chastised  for  suggesting  that  the  United  Nations  did  not  have  a  su- 
perior role  to  NATO,  joined  in  by  Ambassadors  from  several  of  our 
allied  countries.  The  Ambassadors  reiterated  the  view  that,  in  fact, 
the  NATO  was  subservient. 

So  that  is  a  fact  that  there  is  an  attitude  that  is  increasingly 
growing  within  some  of  our  NATO  ally  countries,  and  I  think  you 
need  to  be  as  forthright  with  them  as  a  department  as  you  are  here 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  appreciate  that,  Congressman.  I  will  be  hav- 
ing lunch  as  soon  as  this  hearing  is  over  with  the  NATO  Secretary 
General,  and  with  Ambassador  Hunter,  both  of  whom  are  in  town. 
While  I  was  in  Zagreb,  they  met  with  the  President.  I  will  bring 
your  comments  to  their  attention,  and  I  will  bring  their  responses 
directly  to  your  attention  as  soon  as  the  lunch  is  over  because  I  am 
concerned  here. 

But  let  me  be  clear.  From  an  American  point  of  view,  no  admin- 
istration could  ever  fulfill  its  responsibilities  to  the  nation's  secu- 
rity by  allowing  NATO  to  be  subservient  to  any  other  organization. 
It  is  our  most  solemn  treaty  commitment  in  Europe. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Thank  you  very  much.  That  is  an  important  reas- 
surance, and  I  had  expected  it. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Thank  you  for  bringing  it  up. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  I  call  upon  the  gentleman  from  California. 

Mr.  Lantos.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Ambassador,  delighted  to  have  you  here.  No  person  has  occu- 
pied your  present  position  was  better  prepared  and  more  knowl- 
edgeable about  the  area.  So  allow  me  to  deal  with  some  very  seri- 
ous underlying  issues  that  in  my  judgment  cripple  our  policy. 

The  phrase  "The  moral  authority  of  the  West"  has  become  an 
oxymoron,  and  all  of  the  issues  that  you  are  dealing  with  are  being 
dealt  with,  it  seems  to  me,  at  a  very  superficial  and  peripheral 
level.  Let  me  be  specific. 

For  the  last  few  years  Milosevic  has  gotten  away  with  murder, 
and  every  week,  every  month,  we  open  tne  paper  and  find  yet  an- 
other concession  by  the  West,  whatever  it  is  called,  the  contact 
group,  various  other  entities,  which  Milosevic  reads  and  finds  unac- 

Well,  let  me  advise  you,  Mr.  Ambassador,  that  Tudjman's  ulti- 
matum stems  directly  from  learning  the  Milosevic  lesson.  The  no- 


tion  that  Tudjman  can  establish  an  ultimatum  in  the  face  of  please 
by  the  West  to  cease  and  desist  indicates  the  lack  of  credibility  that 
the  West  has  throughout  the  region. 

During  the  Bush  administration,  I  advised  the  State  Department 
and  pleaded  with  the  State  Department  to  get  Milosevic  here  and 
to  advise  him  that  there  is  such  a  thing  as  NATO,  which  has  func- 
tioned magnificently  as  a  deterrent  force  vis-a-vis  the  mighty  So- 
viet Union,  and  could  do  so  vis-a-vis  Serbia. 

I  am  advising  this  administration  now  to  get  Tudjman  to  Wash- 
ington. Call  him  here.  Have  Tudjman  meet  with  the  administration 
and  the  leadership  of  the  Congress,  the  bipartisan  leadership  of  the 
Congress,  so  we  can  tell  him  in  plain  English  that  ultimata  from 
Zagreb  will  not  be  allowed  to  plunge  this  whole  region  into  the 
third  Balkan  war.  Tudjman  is  playing  with  us  as  a  cat  plays  with 
mice,  and  the  reason  is  we  have  no  credibility  and  we  have  no 
moral  authority. 

Yesterday  in  Geneva  the  deciding  vote  against  censoring  China's 
human  rignts  policy  came  from  Mr.  Yeltsin's  government.  We  lost 
by  a  vote  of  21  to  20.  One  vote  against  censoring  China's  human 
rights  policy  came  from  Yeltsin. 

We  here  are  told  do  not  expand  NATO  because  Yeltsin  will  be 
upset.  The  Russians  will  be  upset.  We  are  so  hypersensitive  to 
their  concerns  that  we  cannot  blow  our  nose.  Despite  the  most 
stringent  lobbying  by  this  administration,  the  Russians  told  us  in 
Geneva  yesterday  "Go  to  hell.  We  think  Chinese  human  rights  poli- 
cies are  excellent.  They  are  superb.  We  love  it." 

You  know  who  another  vote  was  denying  a  censor  to  China's 
human  rights  policies?  I  will  tell  you.  Mexico.  Mexico.  In  the  wake 
of  a  $50  billion  bailout  it  turns  your  stomach  that  the  U.S.  Ambas- 
sador cannot  tell  the  Mexican  representative  in  Geneva  just  vote 
the  truth.  Do  not  yield  to  our  pressure.  You  know  what  China's 
human  rights  policies  are.  No,  the  Mexican  Ambassador  in  Geneva 
yesterday  joins  the  Russian  Ambassador  in  Geneva  yesterday  say- 
ing human  rights  in  China  are  great. 

Tudjman  is  giving  you  an  ultimatum,  because  he  knows  we  are 
going  to  back  down.  He  knows  everybody  is  going  to  back  down. 
Everybody  has  been  backing  down  since  Milosevic  unleashed  vio- 
lence in  the  former  Yugoslavia. 

We  can  manicure  the  lawn,  but  what  is  called  for  is  the  restora- 
tion of  the  moral  authority  and  the  credibility  of  the  West  which 
is  light  years  away.  The  Italian  Government  no — I  mean  the  new 
Italian  Government  rose  from  the  ashes  of  penetrating  corruption 
that  destroyed  the  former  political  system.  The  French  moral  au- 
thority consists  of  panting  to  sell  everything  again  to  Iran  and 
Iraq,  as  they  did  before  the  Persian  Gulf  war. 

Across  Europe,  and  because  of  our  own  timidity  in  terms  of  our 
foreign  policy,  we  have  no  credibility.  And  until  we  have  credibility, 
the  Milosevices  and  the  Tudjmans  of  this  world  and  the  Yeltsins 
of  this  world  and  the  Mexicans  of  this  world  will  thumb  their  noses 
at  us  because  they  know  we  do  not  have  the  fortitude  to  act. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman  Lantos,  I  thank  you  for  your  com- 
ments. I  would  like  to  make  about  three  brief  responses. 

First  of  all,  in  regard  to  Croatia,  as  I  said  at  the  outset,  we  are 
engaged  in  a  very  intense  dialogue  with  the  government  in  Zagreb, 


and  I  would  prefer  to  reserve  specific  judgment,  but  to  assure  you 
that  we  will  not  back  down.  The  Croatian  Ambassador  is  in  the  au- 
dience today.  I  am  very  pleased  he  is  here.  I  think  it  is  extremely 
useful  because  it  means  that  the  words  of  you  and  your  colleagues 
will  be  heard  directly  in  Zagreb  before  the  day  is  out.  And  as  we 
always  tell  all  governments  in  Europe,  the  voice  of  the  Congress 
should  be  listened  to  as  carefully  as  that  of  the  executive  branch. 

On  the  generic  issue  of  America's  moral  authority,  with  all  due 
respect  to  one  of  the  Members  of  Congress  for  whom  I  have  the 
greatest  respect,  I  do  not  believe  we  have  lost  our  moral  authority. 
I  think  that  moral  authority  in  general  has  eroded  somewhat  in  the 
world  with  the  end  of  a  simple  or  more  clear  cut  world  that  was 
symbolized  by  the  Berlin  Wall. 

I  think  the  decline  in  the  amount  of  resources  that  the  United 
States  is  devoting  to  backing  up  its  moral  principles  has  weakened 
our  ability  to  carry  out  some  of  our  goals.  But  I  do  not  see  that. 
I  have  just  come  back  from  Bucharest,  and  Bratislava,  and  Buda- 
pest, and  Zagreb,  then  Ankara,  and  Istanbul,  and  throughout  that 
region  there  was  a  great — and  this  is  the  most  critical  area  of  Eu- 
rope, Southeastern  Europe  where  instability  is  incipient  and  where, 
I  would  submit  to  you,  you  have  the  most  problems  in  the  globe 
today.  I  think  Southeastern  Europe  has  replaced  Northeast  Asia  as 
the  really  most  explosive  part  of  the  world.  And  in  that  area  there 
is  a  widespread  longing  and  yearning  for  American  leadership 
which  we  are  providing. 

In  Turkey,  where  I  have  had  expensive  talks  recently  that  com- 
bines strategic,  political  and  human  rights  issues,  and  where  Amer- 
ican active  diplomacy  was  quite  important  in  the  European  Union's 
decision  2  days  ago  to  create  a  customs  union. 

In  Hungary,  in  Slovakia,  in  Romania,  where  we  are  actively  en- 
gaged in  insisting  that  all  three  countries  understand  that  they 
must  resolve  what  is  sometimes  referred  to  in  an  oversimplified 
manner  as  the  Hungarian  problem;  the  problem  of  the  Hungarian 
minorities.  The  treaties  now  being  negotiated  between  Hungary 
and  its  two  neighbors  are  being  negotiated  with  heavy  American 
support  from  our  Ambassadors.  But  we  are  active  throughout  the 
region,  and  I  do  not  believe  that  moral  authority  of  our  great  na- 
tion has  disappeared. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  The  gentleman  from  Illinois. 

Mr.  Lantos.  Mr.  Chairman,  may  I  just  ask  the  Ambassador  to 
respond  to  my  comment  concerning  both  the  Chinese — both  the 
Russian  and  the  Mexican  vote  on  the  China  human  rights? 

Mr.  Bereuter.  If  you  could  do  it  very  briefly,  if  you  care  to. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Oh,  Congressman  Lantos,  I  really  deeply  regret 
these  votes.  As  you  know,  I  no  longer  work  on  Asian  issues,  and 
I  have  been  so — let  me  be  very  frank  with  you.  I  have  been  so  pre- 
occupied with  heading  off  this  extraordinarily  dangerous  situation 
in  Rrajina  and  Bosnia  that  I  have  not  been  personally  deeply  in- 
volved in  this  issue. 

Neither  Mexico  nor  Russia's  vote  in  Geneva  were  things  I  worked 
on  personally.  But  I  deeply  regret  those  votes.  I  really  do. 

Mr.  Lantos.  Do  you  not  think  they  are  an  index  that  we  do  not 
have  the  weight  to  persuade  Mexico  and  Russia  to  say  that  China's 
human  rights  situation  is  atrocious? 


Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  apparently — apparently,  as  clearly  what 
is  indicated  by  the  votes.  What  I  do  not  know,  Congressman  Lan- 

Mr.  Lantos.  That  is  my  point,  Mr.  Ambassador. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  understand  that,  and  I  accept  it.  What  I  do 
not  know,  because  I  was  not  involved  in  it,  is  exactly  what  hap- 
pened to  lead  to  those  votes.  And  if  you  wish,  we  can  bring  more 
information  to  your  attention. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  The  gentleman  from  Illinois,  Mr.  Manzullo. 

Mr.  Manzullo.  Thank" you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Secretary  Holbrooke,  I  would  like  to  commend  you  on  your  work 
with  the  Turkish  Government  and  McDonalds  Corporation  to  facili- 
tate McDonalds'  investments  plans  in  Turkey,  which  is  to  build  150 
units  there  by  the  year  2000,  and  to  promote  capital  investment 
and  export  growth  in  that  country. 

As  you  know,  in  order  for  McDonalds'  investments  to  go  forward, 
it  is  seeking  a  7-year  tariff  rate  suspension  on  its  four  priority  raw 
materials:  beef,  chicken,  cheese  and  french  fries. 

As  you  head  the  U.S.  delegation  later  this  month  at  the  U.S.- 
Turkey Economic  Commission  meeting,  what  assurances  can  you 
give  us  that  this  issue  will  be  on  the  plenary  session  agenda  of  this 
bilateral  meeting  on  March  30? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  We  will — we  are  making  Turkey  a  major  target 
for  American  business.  The  Commerce  Department  has  selected 
Turkey  as  a  big  emerging  market;  1  of  10  in  the  world.  Our  new 
Ambassador,  Mark  Grossman,  has  been  tasked  by  the  Secretary  of 
State  and  the  Secretary  of  Commerce  with  promoting  these  activi- 
ties very,  very  vigorously. 

I  will  chair,  cochair,  as  you  just  mentioned,  the  Joint  Economic 
Commission  at  the  end  of  March.  And  I  assure  you  I  will  raise  this 
issue  on  behalf  of  McDonalds. 

Mr.  Manzullo.  Thank  you  very  much. 

Mr.  LEACH.  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  By  the  way,  it  is  an  extraordinarily  popular 
product  in  that  part  of  the  world. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  The  chair  will  call  upon  Mr.  Leach. 

Mr.  Leach.  Well,  I  would  like  to  just  turn  for  a  second  from  the 
microaspects  of  business  to  the  macro. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  We  cannot  hear  you. 

Mr.  Leach.  I  said  I  would  just  like  to  turn  for  a  minute  from  the 
microaspects  of  business  to  the  macro.  Let  me  say  that,  partly  com- 
ing from  another  committee  of  jurisdiction,  but  looking  directly  at 
the  State  Department,  it  appears  to  me  that  we  are  still  dealing 
with  a  European  setting  with  the  politics  of  spinoffs  of  events  of 
this  century  that  are  new  and  unique,  and  we  are  all  coming  to 
grips  with  them. 

But  in  a  very  almost  crushed  time  period  we  are  seeing  new  eco- 
nomic kinds  of  circumstance  come  to  the  fore  that  are  going  to  need 
some  very  prompt  attention  from  the  Department  of  State.  By  that 
I  mean,  the  Mexican  situation,  and  the  possibility  that  in  Europe 
there  are  larger  Mexicos.  One  of  the  problems  is  how  does  the  Eu- 
ropean Community  and  then  the  world  community  come  to  grip 
with  the  macroeconomic  dilemma,  and  to  recreate  stability  in  the 

90-001    0-95-2 


wake  of  some  kinds  of  anarchistic  developments  that  can  happen 
in  the  world  economy. 

There  are  only  two  realistic  kinds  of  approaches.  One  is  to  have 
responses  through  the  international  financial  institutions  that  have 
the  capacity  to  act  in  a  stabilizing  way  such  as  the  IMF,  which 
might  or  might  not  need  a  significant  refurbishing.  The  other  is  to 
move  in  the  direction  of  seeking  stability  through  orderly  reduc- 
tions in  debt. 

One  of  the  extraordinary  aspects  of  world  affairs  today  is  that 
people  have  talked  about  and  noted  that  in  the  political  arena  you 
have  a  growing,  but  still  largely  absent  international  political  code, 
but  you  also  have  in  the  economic  arena  the  absence  of  some  codes; 
most  particularly  in  bankruptcy  kinds  of  procedures. 

And  what  I  would  like  to  ask  you,  Mr.  Secretary,  relates  to  some 
of  the  tensions  that  could  be  developing,  particularly  in  Europe,  but 
not  just  Europe. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Sure. 

Mr.  Leach.  What  kind  of  priority  are  you  giving  to  this  issue? 
And  is  the  Department  prepared  to  move  forward  to  try  to  expand 
international  law,  particularly  in  the  bankruptcy  arena?  And  by 
bankruptcy,  I  mean  for  nation  states,  not  for  individual  corpora- 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  Congressman  Leach,  with  full  knowledge 
of  your  extraordinarily  important  role  in  the  Mexican  crisis,  let  me 
respond  that  we — as  Ambassador  to  Germany,  I  spent  over  half  my 
time  on  issues  related  to  business  and  economic.  In  my  present  job, 
I  cannot  do  that  personally  because  of  Bosnia.  However,  we  have — 
my  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  Economic  Affairs  was 
the  principal  deputy  in  the  Economic  Bureau,  and  he  has  been 
tasked  with  this  full  time,  and  we  are  doing  a  very  strong  job. 

Now,  specifically,  we  analyze  and  look  at  the  economies  of  all  the 
countries  that  the  European  Bureau  and  Canadian  Bureau  is  re- 
sponsible for,  and  we  have  focused  recently  on  two  countries  in  par- 
ticular: Hungary  and  Turkey. 

The  Hungarian  situation  is  not  another  Mexico  as  the  outgoing 
finance  minister  said  a  month  ago,  but  it  is  dangerous.  And,  there- 
fore, when  I  went  to  Budapest,  I  did  something  quite  unusual.  I 
took  with  me  a  joint  State  Department/White  House/Treasury 
team.  And  we  met  with  the  new  finance  minister  and  the  new  head 
of  the  Central  Bank  in  Budapest,  and  then  we  met  with  Prime 
Minister  Horn  at  length,  and  over  two-thirds  of  the  conversation 
with  the  Prime  Minister  was  on  the  economic  stabilization  package 
that  the  new  economic  team  in  Budapest  has  proposed. 

My  Treasury  colleague,  David  Lipton,  whom  I  am  sure  you  know 
from  the  Mexico — in  fact,  he  said — to  give  you  a  sense  or  how  im- 
portant this  was,  Congressman  Leach,  David  Lipton  took  time  out 
of  the  Mexico  negotiations  to  fly  to  Budapest  just  for  a  day  to  have 
these  talks.  And  we  joked  that  he  wanted  to  go  there  because  he 
wanted  to  go  to  any  country  whose  currency  did  not  end  in  a  vowel. 

Now,  the  Hungarians  have  now  begun  this  economic  stabilization 
package.  We  have  publicly  and  privately  told  them  how  important 
it  is.  We  are  working  very  closely  with  tnem.  They  understand  this. 
So  we  will  be  in  there  with  them  because  we  do  not  want  to 
confront  these  problems  again. 


And  I  want  to  stress  I  am  not  predicting  that  Hungary  is  another 
Mexico.  I  am  saying  that  if  they  take  the  actions  they  are  now  talk- 
ing about,  they  will  get  the  IMF  standby  facility,  and  they  will  do 
the  right  thing. 

As  for  Turkey,  Turkey  is  150  percent  inflation;  very  difficult  eco- 
nomic and  political  situation.  And  for  that  reason  we  are  now  form- 
ing up  a  similar  team  with  Treasury  to  look  at  that,  and  I  have 
asked  Larry  Summers  to  go  personally  to  Ankara. 

I  think  going  beyond  that  level  of  generality  might  be  unhelpful. 
But  I  want  to  assure  you  that  in  regard  to  both  Hungary  and  Tur- 
key, and  any  other  nations  in  the  region  where  these  problems  ap- 
pear to  rise,  we  will  work  very  closely  with  them  and  with  the  Eu- 
ropean Community,  European  Union,  and,  of  course,  most  specifi- 
cally, with  Germany. 

Mr.  Leach.  Well,  I  appreciate  that,  and  my  time  has  expired. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  want  to  really  stress  to  you  I  am  glad  you 
raised  that  question  because  it  does  not  normally  come  up,  and  yet 
in  the  long  run  it  is  as  important  as  any  other  issue  we  are  talking 

Mr.  Leach.  Fair  enough,  but  let  me  come  back  just  for  a  second. 
Let  me  say,  first  of  all,  both  economies,  you  indicate,  are  smaller 
than  Mexico's.  I  am  even  more  concerned  about  another  currency 
that  ends  in  a  vowel  in  Western  Europe. 

And  in  that  regard,  there  are  institutional  as  well  as  country-to- 
country  issues  that  have  to  be  dealt  with,  and  I  will  provide  you 
some  material  maybe  separate  from  this,  but  we  are  not  simply 
talking  individual  government-to-government  relations.  We  need 
an  international  framework  to  deal  with  these  issues,  obviously  in 
a  burden-sharing  kind  of  way.  And  in  many  ways  the  Mexican 
issue  to  me  is  one  of  eyebrow  raising  dimensions  in  terms  of  all 
other  parts  of  the  world;  not  simply  the  Mexican  circumstance  it- 

Thank  you. 

Mr.  BEREUTER.  The  gentleman  from  New  York,  Mr.  Engel,  recog- 
nized for  5  minutes. 

Mr.  Engel.  Thank  you.  I  thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman.  Ambassador 
Holbrooke,  it  is  good  to  see  you.^ 

On  January  4,  the  President  wrote  to  me  with  regard  to  the  situ- 
ation with  Kosovo.  I  have  been  very  active  in  the  situation  with 
Kosovo.  This  is  what  he  said:  "There  are  a  large  number  of  issues, 
including  Kosovo,  that  I  believe  must  be  addressed  before  Belgrade 
should  be  freed  of  U.N.  sanctions  and  able  to  return  to  the  inter- 
national community." 

For  the  past  year  and  a  half  at  this  committee,  Secretary  Chris- 
topher assured  me  that  there  would  be  no  lifting  of  sanctions  on 
Belgrade  until  the  Kosovo  issue  was  resolved.  Deputy  Assistant 
Secretary  Frazier  said  the  same  thing  in  a  hearing  that  I  con- 
ducted for  Mr.  Hamilton  last  year  in  the  former  Europe  and  Middle 
East  Subcommittee.  Secretary  Tarnoff  has  said  the  same  thing. 
And,  of  course,  President  Clinton,  as  I  mentioned,  wrote  to  me  in 
the  letter  saying  the  same  thing. 

Only  1  month  after  the  President's  letter  numerous  media  re- 
ports announced  that  the  United  States  is  willing  to  lift  sanctions 


upon  Serbia  if  it  made  a  specified  list  of  conditions,  and  Kosovo 
was  not  even  mentioned. 

In  his  letter  to  me,  President  Clinton  also  pledged,  "Our  decision 
of  whether  to  support  suspension  of  any  sanctions  will  be  made  in 
close  consultation  with  Congress."  I  found  out  about  the  policy 
change  by  reading  the  Washington  Post  and  the  New  York  Times. 
I  received  neither  a  briefing  regarding  the  possible  lifting  of  sanc- 
tions, nor  a  notice  of  its  likely  occurrence. 

So  obviously  I  am  quite  disturbed  that  the  President  violated  his 
clear  pledge  to  me,  and  I  would  like  to  know  why  American  policy 
has  been  changed  so  soon.  A  longstanding  American  policy  has 
been  that  some  sanctions  should  remain  in  place  until  the  Kosovo 
issue  is  resolved. 

Is  this  still  American  policy?  And  if  not,  why  not?  And  the  fact 
of  the  matter  that  Milosevic  and  his  henchmen  did  not  accept  the 
American  offer  to  me  is  irrelevant.  It  is  very  disturbing  that  we 
made  the  offer  in  the  first  place.  So  I  would  like  you  to  comment 
on  it,  please. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman  Engel,  first  of  all,  let  me  express 
admiration  and  support  for  your  concern  for  the  problem  in  Kosovo. 
I  share  it  completely. 

I  do  not,  however,  believe  that  the  President  violated  his  pledge 
to  you.  We  have  not  lifted  the  sanctions.  There  is  a  suspension  of 
very  limited  nature  concerning  sporting  events  and  cultural  events 
ana  passenger  flights  which  can  be  turned  down — which  can  be  ter- 
minated at  a  100-dav  interval  anytime  we  wish  it,  if  necessary.  It 
was  done  because  of  the  decision  and  the  action  by  Milosevic  not 
only  to  allegedly  close  the  border  between  Serbia  and  Bosnia,  and 
I  use  the  word  "allegedly"  because  it  is  not  100  percent,  but  it  is 
way,  way  down  from  what  it  used  to  be,  but  because,  and  this  was 
critical,  because  of  his  decision  to  allow  international  monitors  on 
the  border.  Those  monitors  including  a  large  number  of  Americans. 

And  for  this  and  in  furtherance  of  the  fact  that  he  accepted  the 
contact  group  plan,  we  felt  that  it  was  appropriate  to  go  along  with 
this  limited  measure,  and  that  is  where  we  stand.  It  will  be  revis- 
ited and  reexamined  on  a  periodic  basis,  and  the  next  such  review 
comes  up  next  month. 

Mr.  Engel.  But  it  is  not  only  the  limited  number  of  sanctions 
which  have  been  lifted.  It  is,  from  what  I  understand,  if  Milosevic 
had  accepted  certain  proposals,  which  he  obviously  did  not  accept, 
that  many  more  of  the  sanctions  would  have  been  removed.  And 
what  disturbs  me  is  as  if  the  whole  Kosovo  issue  was  just  thrown, 
not  even  to  the  back  burner,  frankly,  just  thrown  away.  I  think 
that  what  this  does,  quite  frankly,  is  to  perpetuate  the  feeling  that 
we  state  one  thing  and  then  a  month  later,  out  of  convenience,  just 
disregard  it.  To  me  it  is  no  wonder  that  the  Belgrade  regime  or  the 
Bosnian  Serbs  think  they  can  just  do  whatever  they  want  with  im- 
punity. We  have  drawn  the  line  in  the  sand  16  different  times,  and 
have  moved  it  16  different  times. 

I  would  just  implore  you  and  the  administration  not  to  forget  the 
Albanians  in  Kosovo  who,  in  my  opinion,  live  under  the  worst 
human  rights  abuses.  Kosovo  has  the  potential  to  make  Bosnia 
look  like  a  tea  party  if  we  let  the  Belgrade  regime  have  its  way, 
and  I  just  do  not  think  we  ought  to  acquiesce  in  any  kind  of  com- 


plicity  with  them.  If  they  do  not  take  care  of  the  situation  in 
Kosovo  and  restore  all  rights  to  the  Albanian  majority  there,  I  do 
not  think  we  ought  to  do  business  with  them  at  all.  And  I  do  not 
believe,  from  what  I  have  seen  and  everything  I  have  read  and 
studied,  that  Belgrade  has  plugged  the  leaks  in  terms  of  arming 
the  Bosnian  Serbs.  There  might  be  some  lessening  of  it,  but  planes 
are  flying  and  helicopters  are  violating  the  no-fly  zone.  I  just  think 
that  what  we  do  is  send  the  absolute  wrong  message  to  Belgrade. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  let  me  be  clear  that  if  the  violations  that 
you  refer  to,  and  there  is  some  considerable  dispute  about  what  ac- 
tually happened  in  those  helicopter  incidents.  Our  intelligence  com- 
munity, the  U.N.  observers,  all  give  different  accounts.  But  if  these 
violations  prove  to  be  substantial  and  serious,  I  would  personally 
favor  terminating  the  suspension  of  the  Phase  I  sanctions.  And  I 
think  Mr.  Milosevic  should  be  under  no  illusions  about  this.  That 
is  not  an  automatically  renewable  lifting. 

Secondly,  I  assure  you  that  we  share  your  concern  for  the  situa- 
tion in  Kosovo.  I  was  in  both  the  former  Yugoslav  Republic  of  Mac- 
edonia and  Albania  recently,  discussing  this  issue.  We  meet  regu- 
larly with  Dr.  Rugova.  I  am  looking  forward  to  meeting  with  him 
at  the  earliest  possible  opportunity.  And  we  have  never  talked 
about  ending  the  sanctions.  We  have  talked  about  suspending 
them,  and  keeping  enforcement  regimes  in  place,  if  necessary. 

Mr.  BEREUTER.  The  time  of  the  gentleman  has  expired. 

The  gentleman  from  New  York,  Mr.  Houghton. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Ambassador,  I  am  sorry  I  am  late.  I  was  over  at  a  meeting 
with  Ambassador  Kantor,  and  he  is  on  his  way,  as  you  know,  to 

Maybe  you  will  bear  with  me  because  I  have  not  been  here  for 
the  testimony  and  some  of  the  other  questions.  But  I  really  have 
just  two  questions.  One  is  sort  of  a  generic.  The  other  is  rather  spe- 

The  generic  question,  if  you  sum  up  everything  you  have  said, 
and  I  have  not  heard  a  lot  of  that,  what  do  you  think  is  the  single 
most  important  issue  that  the  administration  and  Congress  should 
work  on  together  as  we  look  over  the  next  hill  for  the  next  2  or  3 

And,  secondly,  a  more  specific  one,  tell  me  the  problem  with  H.R. 
7  and  why  that  is  such  an  obstacle  to  the  administration. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  In  regard  to  your  first  question,  Congressman 
Houghton,  I  think  it  is  hard  to  list  a  single  issue.  I  believe  in  a  bi- 
partisan foreign  policy,  which  does  not  mean  that  we  all  agree 
automatically  on  every  single  thing.  But  we  face  two  different  prob- 
lems which  we  can  work  on  together. 

One  is  the  crisis  in  Bosnia,  which  is  immense  and  self-evident, 
and  we  have  discussed  it  at  some  length  already  this  morning. 
There  are  honest  differences  among  us  because  the  problem  is  so 
immensely  difficult. 

The  second  issue  is  working  together,  and  this  goes  back  to  com- 
ments that  Congressman  Bereuter  mentioned  earlier,  to  make  clear 
to  Europe  that  we  have  a  firm  unbreakable  commitment  to  remain 
a  European  power.  This  goes  back  to  a  question  that  was  raised  be- 


fore  you  arrived  concerning  whether  NATO  is  being  subordinated 
to  other  institutions. 

The  answer  is  no.  But  the  very  fact  that  the  issue  arises  means 
we  have  to  speak  with  a  clear  voice  on  this.  The  United  States 
must  continue  to  lead  in  Europe,  and  that,  I  might  add,  takes  some 

I  am  constantly  puzzled  by  the  fact  that  Members  of  the  Con- 
gress will  assert  in  the  same  statement  that  we  must  remain  num- 
ber one,  and  then  slash  every  conceivable  request  for  resources  to 
support  that  goal.  You  cannot  just  do  it  by  saying  we  are  number 
one.  You  actually  have  to  put  some  resources  behind  it. 

Now,  in  regard  to  H.R.  7,  there  are  many  aspects  of  H.R.  7,  some 
of  which  are  not  in  my  direct  jurisdiction.  But  in  regard  to  NATO 
expansion,  we  support  NATO  expansion.  We  have  led  the  effort  to 
begin  the  NATO  expansion  process.  This  year,  under  American 
leadership  and  pressure,  we  will  begin  to  present  to  the  25  nations 
of  the  Partnership  for  Peace,  ranging  from  Finland  to  Poland,  from 
Warsaw  to  Hungary,  the  process  for  membership. 

Some  people  in  the  Congress  think  we  are  going  too  slow.  Others 
think  we  are  going  too  fast.  But  I  would  stress  that  any  new  mem- 
ber of  NATO  will  constitute  a  bilateral  security  treaty  between  the 
United  States  and  that  country,  and  will  require  the  ratification  by 
the  U.S.  Senate  by  a  two-thirds  vote. 

And  under  Article  5  of  the  NATO  treaty,  an  attack  on  one  NATO 
nation  is  an  attack  on  all.  It  is  the  most  solemn  commitment  the 
United  States  can  make.  We  favor  extending  that  commitment, 
that  security  guarantee,  to  countries  in  Central  Europe  as  they 
qualify  and  on  an  individual  basis. 

H.R.  7,  in  its  original  form,  listed  four  countries  as  a  group  and 
a  specific  date.  I  find  myself  in  an  anomalous  position.  I  support 
the  goal  expressed  in  H.R.  7,  but  that  is  not  the  way  to  do  it.  It 
draws  a  new  division  line  in  Europe,  and  says  these  four,  but  not 
the  others.  Why  those  four?  And  what  about  problems  among  those 
four?  One  of  the  four  is  Slovakia.  Another  one  is  Hungary.  They 
have  a  serious  unresolved  problem  between  them. 

As  I  mentioned  earlier  in  answer  to  Congressman  Lantos'  ques- 
tion, we  have  encouraged  a  resolution  of  that  problem.  And  as 
President  Clinton  said  in  Cleveland,  nations  that  have  unresolved 
territorial  problems,  are  not  democratic,  need  not  apply. 

So  we  suggest,  with  all  respect  to  that  part  of  H.R.  7,  because 
we  are  well  ahead  of  the  drafters  of  H.R.  7,  we  are  actually  doing 
something  about  it,  we  suggest  that  specific  countries  and  specific 
dates  are  not  in  the  interests  of  the  goal  which  we  share. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Can  I  just  interrupt  just  a  second?  I  know  my 
time  is  up. 

But  are  you  worried  about  the  process  or  are  you  worried  about 
the  countries?  In  other  words,  are  you  worried  about  Congress 
micromanaging  and  doing  things  it  ought  not  to  do,  or  are  you  wor- 
ried that  those  are  the  wrong  countries? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  worry  that  listing  four  countries  and  not  list- 
ing others  this  early  in  the  process  disorients  and  disrupts  the 
process.  What  about  the  Baltic?  What  about  Romania?  Why  coun- 
try x  and  not  country  y? 


I  would  like  your  body  to  change  that  part  of  the  bill  so  that  it 
asserts  the  goal,  and  if  you  want  to  say  we  are  moving  too  slowly, 
fine.  I  welcome  the  pressure  from  the  Congress.  I  think  Congress 
should  put  as  much  pressure  on  us  as  possible  here.  But  do  not  say 
these  four  countries  and  not  others,  because  you  are  going  to  cause 
the  very  problem  you  are  trying  to  avoid. 

And  all  of  us  know  that  in  historical  mythology,  I  think  the  facts 
are  somewhat  different,  Dean  Atchison's  February  1950  speech  lay- 
ing out  America's  new  security  perimeter  led  to  and  encouraging 
North  Korea  to  attack  South  Korea.  I  do  not  happen  to  believe  that 
that  is  exactly  why  the  war  began  because  General  McArthur  had 
laid  out  the  same  line  earlier. 

But  leaving  aside  history,  if  your  body  lists  four  countries  and  no 
others,  you  are  going  to  create  a  new  division  in  Europe  when  our 
goal,  and  I  believe  your  goal,  is  a  united  integrated  Europe  with 
stability  throughout  Central  Europe.  So  we  respectfully  ask  that 
the  specifics  be  muted,  but  the  goal  be  reaffirmed. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Thank  you.  I  would  say  for  the  record  that  while 
the  four  countries  are  still  identified,  the  date  has  been  eliminated. 
The  second  tier  specific  countries  have  been  eliminated  from  the 
bill,  and  as  a  general  opening  of  other  countries  that  are  emerging 
from  communism,  and  former  Soviet  Union  or  the  former  Yugo- 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  am  very  appreciative  of  those  changes.  They 
help,  but  may  I  just  say  when  I  was  in  Bucharest,  they  really  were 
upset.  And  when  I  went  to  Budapest,  the  Prime  Minister  of  Hun- 
gary said  do  not  create  a  division  between  us  and  Romania  because 
it  will  exacerbate  tension  in  the  region. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Well,  Mr.  Secretary,  it  is  an  arguable  point,  but 
I  hope  that  in  Bucharest  they  are  doing  some  things  differently 
that  perhaps  they  would  be  mentioned  in  a  future  bill. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  made  that  point  also. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  The  gentleman  from  Indiana  recognized. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Secretary,  we  hear  repeated  allegations  about  unmarked 
transport  planes  of  the  type  only  in  the  inventory  of  the  United 
States  and  Turkey,  making  supply  runs  into  Tuzla,  to  support  the 
Bosnian  forces. 

Do  you  know  anything  about  that  at  all? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  have  read  the  reports.  I  have  asked  for  better 
intelligence.  I  am  getting  conflicting  reports  on  that  as  well.  I  have 
asked  the  people  in  the  region  about  these  planes.  I  do  not  know 
exactly  whose  planes  they  were,  but  they  were  not  American 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Would  you  keep  me  informed  about  it? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Certainly  will. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Are  we  going  to 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  And  please  keep  us  informed  if  you  get  any  in- 
formation too. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  All  right. 

Are  we  going  to  reinforce  the  500  troops  we  have  in  Macedonia? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  can  answer  you  with  a  firm  only  if  necessary. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  No  specific  plans  to  do  so? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  No,  sir. 


Mr.  Hamilton.  All  right. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  know  this  has  been  talked  about  in  the  press, 
that  Secretary  Perry  has  mentioned  it.  And  I  think  perhaps  it  got 
a  little  over-reported.  He  is  talking  about,  and  this  goes  back  to  our 
earlier  colloquy,  he  is  talking  about  the  need  to  do  what  is  nec- 
essary there  if  the  situation  were  to  deteriorate  significantly  in  the 
other  part  of  the  area,  Croatia  or  the  area  that  Congressman  Engel 
mentioned  earlier. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Let  me  ask  a  question  on  NATO  expansion.  We 
are  cutting  back  our  forces  in  Europe,  300,000  to  100,000;  a  very 
substantial  cutback.  We  are  talking  about  expanding  our  security 
commitments.  You  are  in  favor  of  it.  You  indicated  everybody  is  in 
favor  of  it. 

Why  is  it  in  the  U.S.  national  security  interest  to  expand  NATO? 
And  why  are  you  advocating  it  at  the  very  time  when  you  are 
drawing  down  the  military  assets  in  the  region  to  support  that 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Oh,  I  am  glad  you  asked  that  question,  Con- 
gressman Hamilton.  It  goes  back  to  Congressman  Houghton's  ques- 
tion as  well,  and  I  think  this  goes  to  the  very  core  of  America's  na- 
tional interests  in  Europe. 

Can  we  leave  NATO  as  a  group  of  the  16  nations  which  happen 
to  fall  to  the  western  side  of  the  Iron  Curtain  based  on  where  the 
Red  Army  was  in  the  summer  of  1945? 

I  believe  the  answer  is  no.  I  believe  that  if  we  left  NATO  un- 
changed in  its  present  configuration,  it  would  become  irrelevant. 
But  the  original  NATO  was  designed  as  an  anti-Soviet  organiza- 
tion, designed  to  stop  a  Red  Army  thrust  through  the  Folda  Gap 
in  the  central  plains  of  Europe.  There  is  no  Red  Army.  There  is  no 
Folda  Gap.  The  threat  is  gone. 

What  is  NATO's  new  mission?  Why  is  it  still  relevant?  There  are 
many  reasons  for  this.  Central  Europe,  as  I  said  earlier,  is  the  seed 
bed  of  war,  revolution  and  instability  in  Europe  during  the  century, 
and  that  includes  the  Balkans,  where  the  failure  of  the  Western 
leaders  to  act  earlier,  which  I  believe  is  the  greatest  collective  fail- 
ure of  the  West  since  1938,  led  to  the  tragedy  or  contributed  great- 
ly to  the  tragedy  in  Bosnia.  And  therefore,  I  believe,  it  is  impera- 
tive for  us  to  show  the  countries  of  Central  Europe  that  having  es- 
caped communism  and  started  the  difficult  road  toward  democracy, 
and  as  Congressman  Bereuter  said  a  minute  ago,  some  of  them,  no- 
tably Romania,  have  a  long  way  to  go,  and  others,  but  nonetheless 
we  must  encourage  it.  We  must  not  leave  them  outside  the  institu- 
tions of  the  West.  We  cannot  leave  this  an  elite  club. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Well,  we  are  drawing  down  our  assets,  so  what 
are  we  doing?  Are  we  essentially  giving  a  security  guarantee  that 
is  nuclear? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  If  a  country  joins  NATO,  and  I  repeat  again,  it 
will  require  the  consent 

Mr.  Hamilton.  I  understand. 

Mr.  Holbrooke  [continuing].  Of  two-thirds  of  the  Senate,  that 
will  be  a  full  membership  with  Article  5  guarantees,  but  it  does  not 
necessarily  mean  American  troops  on  their  soil.  There  are  countries 
in  NATO  today  which  have  no  American  troops  on  their  soil,  but 
have  the  guarantee. 


Is  it  a  nuclear  guarantee?  Of  course.  It  is  a  full  guarantee. 

Do  I  ever  see  a  reason  for  that  to  be  invoked?  No,  I  do  not. 

Let  me  make  clear  on  the  draw  downs,  that  we  drew  down  be- 
cause the  size  of  our  forces  were  not  necessary  given  the  changing 
nature  of  the  threat.  But  we  will  keep  100 — it  is  actually  109,000 
troops  in  Europe;  most  of  them  in  Germany,  and  that  will  be  suffi- 
cient in  the  current  situation  to  meet  those  security  needs.  And  I 
assure  you,  given — particularly  given  logistical  lift  in  the  contribu- 
tions of  other  countries,  but  I  assure  that  the  draw  down  does  not 
weaken  our  ability  to  deal  with  the  new  and  significantly  reduced 

Mr.  Hamilton.  You  referred  a  moment  ago  to  the  differences  be- 
tween Hungary  and  Slovakia.  Let  us  suppose  that  a  fight  breaks 
out,  and  we  have  a  NATO  commitment.  Does  that  mean  you  are 
going  to  put  U.S.  forces  on  the  ground  there  to  deal  with  that, 
NATO  forces? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Obviously,  Congressman  Hamilton,  the  answer 
is  no.  But  I  would  answer  you  with  the  prior  statement  that  I  do 
not  believe  that  either  country,  and  this  goes  back  to  my  concern 
about  that  element  of  H.R.  7,  I  do  not  think  either  country  is  going 
to  get  into  NATO  when  they  have  this  kind  of  situation  unresolved. 

Now,  when  I  said  this  in  Bratislava  and  Budapest,  and  I  made 
this  comment  to  the  governments,  the  answer  was  what  about 
Greece  and  Turkey.  They  have  a  problem.  They  have  come  very 
close  to  war  several  times.  There  was  the  fighting  on  Cyprus  in 

And  the  answer  really  is,  quite  frankly,  that  was  the  cold  war. 
And  I  hope  that  your  body  will  support  us  on  this  because  we  need 
to  send  a  strong  message  to  Central  Europe  that  the  road  they 
want — associations  with  the  institutions  of  the  West,  including 
NATO — requires  them  to  get  these  ancient  legacies,  the  Treaty  of 
Versailles,  and  the  Treaty  of  Trianon,  and  the  Yalta  and  the  Pots- 
dam, behind  them,  and  look  to  the  future. 

I  am  very  glad  you  mention  this  because  it  is  a  source  of  great 
concern  to  us. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Mr.  Chairman,  I  will  just  have  one  final  question. 

As  you  know,  the  House  recently  voted  to  cut  money  in  the  pro- 
gram to  provide  housing  for  Russian  officers'  resettlement.  Tell  us 
what  the  impact  of  that  is. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  Congressman  Hamilton,  I  cannot  under- 
stand that  vote.  We  for  50  years,  for  55  years,  the  Congress  of  the 
United  States,  backed  up  by  every  administration  from  Roosevelt 
on,  said  that  the  incorporation  of  Estonia,  Latvia  and  Lithuania 
into  the  Soviet  Union  was  not  something  we  recognized. 

Last  year  the  administration,  led  by  a  personal  effort  by  Presi- 
dent Clinton,  completed  the  negotiations  which  got  the  Russians 
out  of  these  countries,  a  historic  milestone.  There  was  a  price  in- 
volved. It  was  not  a  very  high  price  considering  the  trillions  of  dol- 
lars we  spent  in  Europe  since  1947.  I  do  not  understand  this. 

There  was  $160  million,  if  my  memory  is  correct.  The  recision 
was  $110  million.  More  than  that  has  already  been  spent.  Please 
forgive  me  if  I  get  the  numbers  wrong.  I  simply — earlier  somebody 
talked — Congressman  Lantos,  about  moral  authority  of  the  United 
States.   What  kind  of  moral   authority  are  we  going  to  have   if 


after — if  this  relatively  small  amount  of  money  for  such  a  huge  his- 
toric event  is  subject  to  a  recision  after  it  has  already  been  spent, 
and  when  the  greatest  issues  are  involved?  And  how  is  that  con- 
sistent with  those  elements  of  H.R.  7  which  Congressman  Hough- 
ton raised? 

If  I  show  some  concern  here,  it  is  because,  with  all  respect  to  the 
Congress,  and  I  have  worked  now  for  almost  30  years  with  the 
Congress,  and  I  respect  their  role,  this  was  an  action  that  makes 
no  sense  to  me. 

Mr.  Hamilton.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Mr.  Chabot.  Mr.  Chairman. 

The  Chairman.  The  gentleman  is  recognized. 

Mr.  Chabot.  Yes,  Ambassador,  I  would  invite  you  to  come  back 
to  my  district  in  Cincinnati  some  time,  and  perhaps  justify  paying 
for  housing  for  former  Soviet  officers  when  we  are  making  the  sub- 
stantial cuts  that  we  are  making  now  to  finally  try  to  balance  this 
budget,  which  I  would  say  previous  Congresses  have  dismally 
failed  to  do,  and  that  goes  back  with 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  would  be  happy  to  go  to  Cincinnati  for  that. 

Mr.  Chabot.  OK.  Come  to  my  district  any  time  and 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  And  you  have  a  lot  of  people  in  the  Cincinnati 
area  who  understand  Central  Europe  very  well,  and  I  do  not  under- 
stand how  a  great  nation — I  understand  our  domestic  problems, 
and  I  share  your  concern,  and  I  understand  the  constituents  did 
not  vote  for  foreign  aid.  But  as  the  New  York  Times  poll  last  week 
showed,  the  American  public  has  a  gross  misunderstanding  of  the 
size  of  our  foreign  aid.  The  polls  said  they  thought  it  was  15  per- 
cent. It  is  less  than  1  percent  of  the 

Mr.  Chabot.  But  they  do  understand  housing  Soviet  officers  with 
American  taxpayer  dollars.  And  you  mentioned  before  in  your  pre- 
vious testimony  that  you  could  not  understand,  or  that  the  fact 
that  we  are  no  longer — we  want  to  be  a  number  one  nation,  first- 
class,  we  want  to  be  number  one,  but  we  are  not  willing  to  spend 
the  resources  anymore  to  accomplish  that. 

I  would  submit  that  allowing  this  deficit  to  continue  to  grow  at 
the  rate  it  has  over  these  years,  and  for  the  administration  to  send 
over  a  budget  recently  which  basically  just  said,  well,  we  are  not 
going  to  deal  with  it,  I  think  that  was  irresponsible.  And  I  would 
submit  that  we  are  finally  taking  the  bull  by  the  horns  and  trying 
to  do  something  about  balancing  this  budget. 

And  so  I  think  I  felt  very  good  about  voting  for  that,  and  I  would 
do  it  again.  Thank  you. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  I  think  we  are  confusing  two  critical  is- 
sues here.  The  budget  deficit  is  critically  important.  But  to,  in  ef- 
fect, renege  on  an  exiting  commitment  of  historic  importance  is  not 
consistent  with  our  Nation.  In  a  budget  deficit  this  big,  $110  mil- 
lion is  not  the  issue.  It  is  an  existing  commitment 

Mr.  Chabot.  But  we  say  that  about  everything,  do  we  not?  It  is 
only  $110  million,  you  know. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  am  happy 

Mr.  Chabot.  That  is  a  small  piece.  Everything  is  a  small  piece. 
But  when  you  add  those  things  up,  it  is  real  money. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman,  with  all  due  respect  to  the  prior- 
ity you  assert,  which  I  share,  the  road — that  road  leads  to  the  end 


of  the  United  States  as  a  great  world  leader.  We  cannot  pretend 
that  we  can  walk  away  from  international  commitments.  And  for 
people  not  to  see  that  this  is  the — that  this  $110  million  is  the  end 
of  a  long  historic  55-year  process  in  which  people  in  both  parties 
in  this  Hill  regularly  fought  for  the  independent  status  of  Estonia, 
Latvia  and  Lithuania,  and  finally  achieved  it  at  a  cost  of  hundreds 
of  billions  of  dollars,  that  we  cannot  finish  this  out,  I  think  seri- 
ously risks  undermining  our  foreign  policy. 

This  is  not  money  for  Soviet  officers.  It  is  the  final  settlement  of 
a  historic  goal  achieved  in  a  bipartisan  way. 

Mr.  Chabot.  I  would  reach  out  and  ask  that  the  administration 
join  with  us  in  giving  us  an  alternate  to  cut  that  $110  million,  and 
the  other  $199  billion  that  it  failed  to  find  the  cuts  for  in  the  recent 
budget.  So  let  us  work  together  and  try  to  make  those  cuts.  We  cer- 
tainly did  not  get  the  cooperation  from  the  Senate  recently. 

The  Chairman.  I  thank  the  gentleman. 

Mr.  Secretary,  the  governments  of  our  closest  allies  in  Europe 
have  been  opposed  to  lifting  the  arms  embargo  in  Bosnia  on  the 
grounds  that  it  will  raise  the  level  of  violence  and  widen  the  con- 

Given  the  high  probability  of  a  resumption  of  heavy  fighting  by 
the  end  of  next  month,  one  could  argue  that  present  policies  may 
very  well  produce  the  very  thing  our  European  friends  fear  from 
lifting  the  arms  embargo. 

In  your  discussions,  recent  discussions  with  our  allies,  have  you 
detected  any  willingness  on  their  part  to  reevaluate  their  policies 
that  they  have  advocated  in  the  start  of  the  conflict,  and  fully  con- 
sider lifting  the  arms  embargo? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Not  on  that  issue,  Mr.  Chairman.  They  have 
not  changed.  Their  position  and  ours  have  a  kind  of  a  paradoxical 
contro-plental  quality.  We  care  more,  but  we  do  not  have  resources 
on  the  ground.  They  have  thousands  and  thousands  of  troops  on 
the  ground  at  risk,  and  their  interpretation  of  the  consequences  of 
lifting  the  arm  embargo  are  that  it  puts  those  people  at  risk.  So 
they  nave  said  flatly  unambiguously  if  the  arms  embargo  is  lifted 
we  are  taking  our  people  out:  the  British,  the  Canadians,  the 
Dutch,  the  French,  the  Danes,  all  our  NATO  allies  who  have  put 
people  there. 

The  Chairman.  Were  you  urging  lifting  of  the  arms  embargo 
when  you  discussed  these  with  them?  Have  you  urged  them  to  re- 
consider their  evaluation? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Yes,  I  was.  That  is  our  position,  a  multilateral 
lift.  We  submitted  a  resolution  in  the  Security  Council  as  we  com- 
mitted to  do  in  discussions  with  the  Congress  on  September  27  of 
last  year.  We  did  not  submit  it  to  a  vote  because  we  did  not  have — 
we  had  well  under  half  the  members  of  the  Security  Council  ready 
to  support  us. 

The  Chairman.  Now,  Mr.  Secretary,  Mr.  Jacques  Santer,  head  of 
the  European  Commission,  recently  stated  that,  "Security  issues 
must  be  resolved  in  Eastern  Europe  before  states  of  that  region 
could  expect  to  join  the  European  Union." 

On  the  other  hand,  some  observers  have  argued  that,  "It  would 
be  best  for  the  European  Union  to  allow  Poland  and  other  states 
of  the  region  to  join  its  ranks  and  gain  access  to  Western  European 


markets  as  soon  as  possible  since  economic  expansion  in  those  na- 
tions would  do  more  to  lock  in  political  and  economic  reforms  than 
extension  of  any  military  alliance." 

What  is  our  Nation's  position  on  the  timing  of  European  Union 
expansion  into  Eastern  Europe?  Should  we  wait  until  security  ar- 
rangements of  the  countries  in  that  region  have  been  finalized? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Very  important  question,  Mr.  Chairman.  One 
that  President  Clinton  and  Chancellor  Kohl  discussed  at  length. 

There  is  a  rough  linkage  between  EU  expansion  and  NATO  ex- 
pansion, but  not  an  ironclad  one.  You  know,  if  you  give  the  coun- 
tries of  the  region  a  choice  between  EU  and  NATO  membership, 
they  might  well  say  EU  membership  is  more  valuable.  The  Euro- 
pean Union  is  on  a  very  slow  track,  Mr.  Chairman,  because  they 
have  to  go  through  their  intergovernmental  conference  first  next 
year.  And  every  European  I  have  talked  to  has  said  there  will  be 
no  new  member  of  the  EU  until  early  in  the  next  century.  They 
also  have  to  converge  their  economies,  and  the  specific  and  vital 
case  of  Poland,  the  agricultural  issue  will  create  a  huge  problem, 
particularly  with  the  French. 

Finally,  the  Germans  end  up  paying  a  large  bulk  of  the  bill  for 
each  new  member,  and  the  Germans  are  spending  $100  billion  per 
year  on  the  eastern  states  of  Germany  that  were  once  Communist 
East  Germany. 

So  you  have  a  series  of  events  converging  which  slow  down  EU 
expansion.  And  I  think  that  Santer,  I  do  not  understand  exactly 
what  he  had  in  mind  because  clearly  the  two  ought  to  move  in 
rough  parallelism. 

But  let  us  be  clear,  not  every  EU  member  will  be  a  NATO  mem- 
ber, and  not  every  NATO  member  is  an  EU  member:  Canada  and 
the  United  States  for  one. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Secretary. 

Mr.  Smith  has  not  had  an  opportunity  to  participate  in  the  first 
round.  Mr.  Smith. 

Mr.  Smith.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman. 

I  regret  not  hearing  your  full  testimony,  Mr.  Ambassador.  We 
have  a  hearing  going  on  on  veterans  on  the  Persian  Gulf  Syndrome 
which  is  obviously  a  very  important  issue.  So  they  are  running 
back  and  forth.  But  I  do  have  a  couple  of  questions,  and  we  will 
submit  a  few  as  well. 

As  I  think  you  know,  there  are  reports  today,  and  perhaps  you 
touched  on  it  in  your  testimony  today,  that  the  Government  of  Cro- 
atia may  yet  agree  to  extend  trie  stay  of  U.N.  forces  in  that  country 
provided  certain  changes  are  made  in  its  mission.  These  reports 
add  that  this  potential  softening  of  Croatia's  position  comes  after 
pressure  from  the  United  States  and  other  nations,  and  after  your 
own  visit  to  Zagreb. 

The  key  change,  as  I  understand  it,  is  that  Croatia  is  suggesting 
that  the  U.N.  forces  mission  is  a  change  from  an  armed  patrol  of 
the  line  of  combat  between  Croat  forces  and  Croatian  Serb  forces 
to  an  unarmed  patrol  of  Croatia's  internationally  recognized  bound- 
aries with  Bosnia  and  Serbia.  Such  a  change  would  require  the  per- 
mission of  the  Serbs,  which  is  unlikely  to  be  given. 

A  complete  withdrawal  of  U.N.  forces  from  Croatia  is  under- 
standably alarming  to  some,  but  how  would  continuation  of  a  U.N. 


presence  in  Croatia  help  to  implement  the  Vance  Plan?  Would  it 
accomplish  anything  other  than  prolonging  the  present  stalemate 
and  preventing  Croat  refugees  from  returning  to  their  homes?  Is  it 
the  policy  of  the  United  States  that  Croatia  should  allow  U.N. 
forces  on  its  territory  for  an  indefinite  period  of  time?  And  if  so, 
is  it  the  policy  of  the  United  States  that  Croatia  should  acquiesce 
in  the  permanent  loss  of  Serb  held  regions? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman  Smith,  as  I  said  earlier,  I  hope 
you  will  forgive  me  if  I  take  a  pass  on  answering  the  details  of  the 
question  because  they  are  part  of  the  very  intense  and  private  dia- 
logue we  are  now  having. 

I  noted  earlier  that  the  Ambassador  from  Croatia  is  here.  I  guess 
he  is  still  here.  And  he  has  been  listening  very  carefully  to  the  com- 
ments of  you  and  your  colleagues  on  the  importance  of  this  issue, 
which  we  share. 

The  Vance  Plan  was  not  fully  implemented.  That  is  the  reason 
the  Croatians,  quite  understandably,  want  some  improvement  in 
the  situation.  We  do  not  believe  that  their  proposed  solution  is  any- 
thing other  than  a  recipe  for  a  dangerous  widened  war,  and  we  are 
now  engaged  in  intensive  discussions  with  them  to  see  if  that  can 
be  avoided. 

I  would  be  happy  to  discuss  this  further  with  you  in  private. 

Mr.  Smith.  That  was  going  to  be  my  next  question.  I  think  that 
would  be  very  helpful,  not  just  for  me,  but  for  many  members  of 
the  committee  who  are  concerned  about  this  issue.  And  I  think  that 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  will  be  returning  to  Europe  later  this  week  to 
continue  the  discussions. 

Mr.  Smith.  Thank  you. 

On  the  issue  of  Cyprus,  I  understand  that  the  President's  envoy 
for  Cyprus  is  in  Turkey.  Have  you  gotten  any  preliminary  read  out 
from  his  discussions  there? 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  No.  I  think  his  meetings  are  just  beginning  as 
we  are  talking  here  in  Ankara. 

May  I  just  ask  my  colleague  for  1  minute? 


He  will  be  meeting  with  the  Prime  Minister  in  about  2  hours. 

Mr.  Smith.  OK 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  But  I  would  like  to  note  again  that  the  Euro- 
pean Union's  decision  to  approve  the  customs  union  with  Turkey 
3  days  ago  is  a  major  step  forward,  and  I  hope  begins  a  very  posi- 
tive process. 

We  support  the  accession  talks  between  the  European  Union  and 
Cyprus  for  membership.  American  diplomacy  was  heavily  engaged 
in  the  last  month  in  encouraging  the  Europeans  to  make  tnis 
equally  important  decision,  and  we  look  forward  to  the  day  when 
a  Cyprus,  by  which  I  mean  a  federation  of  both  communities  is  a 
member  of  the  Union. 

Although  in  answer  to  Chairman  Gilman's  earlier  question,  I 
would  only  note  that  the  time  table  for  all  new  EU  membership  is 
going  to  be  some  time  in  the  next  century. 

Mr.  Smith.  My  time  is  almost  concluded. 

Several  of  us  have  introduced  the  Humanitarian  Corridors  Act. 
I  am  the  prime  sponsor  of  it,  but  I  am  joined  by  a  number  of  distin- 


guished  members  on  both  sides  of  the  aisle  who  are  concerned 
about  the  continued  deprivation  of  basic  humanitarian  aid  in  Ar- 

Do  you  see  any  movement  on  the  part  of  the  Turks  vis-a-vis  that 

Our  hope  is  that  if  there  is  not  movement,  to  move  this  legisla- 
tion, is  a  very  serious  effort.  It  is  not  the  sense  of  Congress.  It  is 
not  meant  to  be.  And  I  do  hope  the  Turks  get  the  message  that  de- 
priving the  transshipment  of  U.S.  humanitarian  goods  and  services 
is  a  violation  of  basic  human  rights,  and  particularly  when  these 
people  are  starving  and  hurting,  and  I  know  that  we  want  to  see 
a  resolution  in  Nagorno-Karabakh  and  the  other  issues  that  the 
Turks  point  to.  But  when  you  are  talking  about  women  and  chil- 
dren being  deprived  of  medicines  and  other  kinds  of  basics,  this  is 
an  issue  that  I  hope  the  administration  is  pursing  vigorously. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  support  the  motives  and  goals  of  this  legisla- 
tion, Congressman  Smith.  The  reason  the  administration  has  res- 
ervations about  it  is  because  we  believe  that  in  the  current  climate 
of  relations  between  Turkey  and  Armenia,  we  will  be  able  to  ac- 
complish the  goal  you  seek,  or  encourage  the  goal  you  seek  in  a  dif- 
ferent manner. 

There  are  significant  signs  now  Ankara  is  trying  to  improve  its 
relations  with  Armenia.  We  are  really  working  hard  on  this.  The 
pipeline  decision,  which  you  are  familiar  with,  was  a  major  step 
forward.  If  that  pipeline  runs  through  Armenia,  it  will  force  a  co- 
operation. Certain  other  things  are  going  on  which  the  Turkish 
Government  talked  to  me  about  in  private. 

I  can  think  of  nothing  that  would  be  more  satisfying  than  to  con- 
tribute to  an  improvement  of  relations  between  these  two  countries 
given  the  genocide  events  of  an  earlier  era.  And  although  disputed, 
obviously,  a  terrible  event  took  place  earlier  in  this  century,  and 
it  left  a  permanent  legacy.  And  we  will  work  closely  with  you,  but 
we  do  not  feel  this  bill  is  the  right  way  to  move. 

The  Chairman.  The  gentleman's  time  has  expired. 

Mr.  Smith.  I  thank  you,  Mr.  Ambassador. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Engel. 

Mr.  Engel.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 

Ambassador  Holbrooke,  let  me  say  that  I  agree  with  your  state- 
ments on  the  $110  million  for  the  Russian  troops.  I  think  it  is  very 
unfortunate  that  at  a  time  when  we  ought  to  become  more  engaged 
in  the  world  to  consolidate  the  gains  that  we  have  made  with  the 
collapse  of  the  Soviet  Union,  some  of  our  colleagues  would  retreat 
into  isolationism.  I  think  it  is  a  terrible  mistake. 

I  think  if  we  are  worried  about  balancing  the  budget,  there  are 
lots  of  tax  breaks  we  are  giving  to  wealthy  people,  and  other  things 
that  are  happening.  I  do  not  think  that  it  ought  to  be  done  by 
America  running  away  from  its  international  commitments.  I  could 
not  agree  with  you  more. 

I  want  to  take  you  back  for  a  minute  to  Kosovo.  I  have  been  ar- 
guing for  many,  many  years  that  the  United  States  ought  to  open 
a  USIA  office  in  Prisntina,  the  capital  of  Kosovo,  for  a  number  of 

I  think  it  is  important  to  see  an  on-the-ground  presence  of  the 
United  States  in  that  part  of  the  world.  I  think  it  would  be  impor- 


tant  psychologically  to  fly  the  American  flag.  I  think  it  would  send 
a  very  clear  message  to  Belgrade  that  we  are  watching  them  very 
closely,  and  will  not  allow  further  indignities  heaped  upon  the  Al- 
banian population  there.  Under  the  Bush  administration,  I  was 
very  frustrated  because  all  we  got  was  gobbly-gook  in  terms  of 
American  personnel  not  being  safe,  and  therefore,  that  is  the  rea- 
son why  we  have  not  opened  it.  I  reject  that.  I  am  getting  the  same 
kind  of  gobbly-gook  now  under  the  Clinton  administration,  and  I 
am  very  frustrated  because  I  do  not  believe  for  a  minute  that  it 
would  be  unsafe  for  our  American  personnel  to  have  a  USIA  office 
there.  I  think  that  is  just  an  excuse  that  is  being  used.  And  I  would 
just  urge  that  we  open  one  as  soon  as  possible. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Mr.  Engel,  I  am  fascinated  by  your  suggestion. 
I  apologize  for  the  gobbly-gook.  I  must  confess  that  I  did  not  know 
of  this  proposal.  It  may  have  gotten  bottled  up  in  the  bureaucracy. 

The  USIA  is  under  fantastic  pressure  now  to  close  down  all  sorts 
of  posts.  When  I  was  in  Germany,  I  was  resisting  it  on  other 
grounds.  But  I  like  your  idea  on  its  merits.  However,  in  view  of  the 
extremely  tense  situation  in  Kosovo  created  by  the  presence  of  Serb 
paramilitary  and  military  forces,  President  Clinton  decided  in  Jan- 
uary that  while  strong  arguments  exist  for  opening  an  office,  he 
felt  that  safety  and  security  concerns  for  the  American  staff  of  such 
an  office  militated  against  doing  so  at  this  time.  I  am  currently  re- 
viewing the  situation  with  a  view  to  opening  an  office  there,  once 
circumstances  are  right. 

Mr.  Engel.  OK,  I  would  appreciate  that. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  know  they  are  going  to — and  even  leaving 
aside  all  the  other  issues,  there  is  going  to  be  a  budgetary  issue. 
But  let  me  turn  to  it,  and  I  understand  your  motives.  I  think  it  is 
a  terrific  idea. 

Mr.  Engel.  It  is  in  U.S.  law  right  now.  It  is  just  a  matter  of 
opening  it. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Since  you  have  mentioned  Kosovo  again,  I  do 
want  to  stress  that  this  situation  with  the  university  in  Tetove  is 
serious.  The  New  York  Times  Op  Ed  page  piece  Saturday  was  a 
very  intelligent,  well  informed  piece.  I  have  talked  to  both  Presi- 
dent Gligarov  and  President  Berisha  about  it.  I  expect  to  see 
both — I  hope  to  see  both  men  in  Copenhagen  this  weekend,  and  I 
will  talk  to  them  again.  And  I  would  hope  that  any  influence  you 
have  to  calm  this  thing  down  be  used,  because  this  is  the  classic 
kind  of  spark  that  can  set  off  a  dangerous  situation. 

Mr.  Engel.  Thank  you.  You  anticipated  my  next  question. 

Let  me  ask  you,  what  is  the  status  of  the  situation  right  now 
with  negotiations  involving  the  former  Yugoslav  and  Republic  of 
Macedonia,  and  the  dispute  with  Greece  involving  the  name,  the 
flag,  the  constitution  and  everything  else?  I  know  you  have  been 
very  involved  with  that. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  The  President's  emissary  for  this  issue,  Mat 
Nemetz,  and  I  met  yesterday  in  New  York.  The  Foreign  Minister 
of  the  former  Yugoslav  and  Republic  of  Macedonia  will  be  in  the 
states  starting  this  weekend.  Now  that  there  is  a  President  of 
Greece  as  of  yesterday,  which  was  a  benchmark  issue  which  we 
passed,  and  the  Foreign  Minister  is  coming  here,  I  hope  that  we 
can  make  progress. 


It  has  not  been  so  far  in  my  brief  tenure  as  Assistant  Secretary 
one  of  the  most  successful  efforts  we  have  had.  It  does  not,  for  ex- 
ample, match  our  achievements  on  the  Albanian-Greek  front  where 
the  Omonia  Five  were  released.  In  fact,  I  am  going  to  meet  with 
one  of  the  prisoners  who  is  an  American  citizen  this  afternoon.  The 
Greek  Foreign  Minister  is  going  to  Albania.  There  has  been  a  dra- 
matic improvement  in  Albanian  relations  in  the  last  month  and  a 
half,  and  I  think  American  diplomacy  can  take  some  share  of  the — 
I  do  not  want  to  say  credit,  but  we  can  feel  we  did  the  right  thing. 

Mr.  Engel.  No  credit.  I  think  credit  is  a  good  word  because  I 
think  we  did  do  the  right  thing. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Well,  I  think  in  the  end  it  is  the  people  on  the 
ground.  But  we  have  been  actively  engaged  in  all  fronts:  Cyprus, 
Albania,  former  Yugoslav  and  Republic  of  Macedonia.  We  have 
made — we  have  not  yet  made  enough  progress  on  the  Macedonian 
issue,  but  we  are  working  on  it,  and  I  hope  within  the  next  few 
weeks  to  be  able  to  report  to  this  committee  progress. 

The  Chairman.  The  gentleman's  time  has  expired. 

Mr.  Engel.  Thank  you. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Houghton. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Yes,  thank  you.  Just  one  final  question.  We  have 
got  a  vote  and  I  will  not  take  a  great  deal  of  time. 

Mr.  Ambassador,  we  are  going  through  a  reprioritizing  of  every 
expense  dollar  in  this  country.  And  it  is  painful  for  a  lot  of  us,  but 
I  think  we  are  heading  in  the  right  direction  as  you  can  see  by  the 
fluctuations  in  the  international  monetary  market  that  when  the 
Senate  turned  down  the  balanced  budget  amendment,  not  only  due 
to  that,  but  other  things,  there  was  a  real  scare  out  there.  We  must 
get  our  expenses  in  line  with  our  revenue. 

In  the  process,  we  must  take  a  look  at  those  things  which  are 
important  to  you  and  to  all  of  us.  I  happen  to  agree  with  you.  I 
happen  to  be  somebody  who  feels  that  we  cannot  turn  our  back  on 
95  percent  of  the  world's  population. 

However,  I  do  think  it  is  important  for  you  to  help  explain  why 
what  you  do  and  what  this  country  does  overseas  should  be  contin- 
ued. You  say  it  is  very  difficult.  You  cannot  believe  people  do  not 
see  certain  things.  You  are  dealing  in  an  area  of  expertise  far  above 
anything  that  I  really  understand.  I  do  know  and  can  associate 
with  what  Mr.  Chabot  says. 

We  go  home  to  our  districts  and  people  say  why?  Why  do  you 
spend  money  this  way?  Why  do  you  spend  monev  on  NASA?  Why 
do  you  spend  money  on  the  NIH?  And  we  must  oe  able  to  explain 
that.  And  we  really  are  not  versed  in  that,  and  people  like  your- 
selves must  help  put  this  whole  thing  in  perspective.  And  I  have 
never  known  since  I  have  been  down  here  a  more  important  time 
to  put  a  fine  point  on  those  issues  which  internationally  are  of  im- 
portance to  us. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Congressman  Houghton,  I  do  not  want  to  pre- 
tend that  the  high  priesthood  of  the  foreign  policy  establishment 
has  some  kind  of  secret  solution  here.  It  must  be  a  bipartisan  effort 
and  must  have  Americans  support. 

I  would  only  point  out  to  you  that  the  Marshall  Plan  was  op- 
posed by  two-thirds  of  the  American  public  and  popular  opinion 
polls.  The  leadership  of  both  branches,  Republican  Congress,  Demo- 


cratic  President,  decided  it  was  in  the  national  interest,  and  made 
a  bipartisan  case.  But  it  never  had  overwhelming  American  sup- 
port. It  is  a  myth  that  the  Marshall  Plan  just  walked  through  the 

Mr.  Houghton.  But  if  I  could  just  interrupt,  Mr.  Ambassador. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  We  have  a  more  difficult  situation  now. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Yes. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Because  it  is  not  a  clear  cut  clear  and  present 
danger.  If  the  administration  has  not  made  the  case  as  well  as  it 
should  have  to  the  American  people,  we  will  try  harder.  We  wel- 
come the  support  of  members  of  both  parties  on  these  issues,  and 
we  will  fight  them  out  one  by  one,  and  reach  compromises. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Yes. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  understand  fully  why  the  American  public 
would  rather  spend  money  on  American  housing  than  housing  for 
former  Soviet  officers.  It  is  up  to  us  to  explain  that  it  is  in  the  na- 
tional interest  and  we  can  find  a  way  to  do  both. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Right.  Well,  Mr.  Ambassador,  I  do  not  think  try- 
ing harder  is  enough.  I  really  think  it  is  a  very  critical  point  in  our 
history,  and  we  must  do  the  unusual  in  terms  of  explaining  our 
part  in  this  world,  and  it  is  up  to  people  like  yourself.  I  do  not 
throw  it  on  your  shoulder  as  your  responsibility.  I  do  not  point  the 
blame  at  you.  You  are  not  to  blame,  but  we  are  all  to.  But  we  are 
going  to  be  taking  deep  cuts.  We  are  going  to  be  affecting  many 
programs.  And  so  this  has  to  be  understood. 

I  listened  to  General  Marshall  give  that  speech.  I  was  part  of 
that  program.  I  understand  it.  But  those  days  are  gone.  We  have 
a  different  atmosphere  now,  and  it  must  be  explained. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  I  accept  that. 

And  by  the  way,  you  talk  about  the  deep  cuts.  While  I  was  Am- 
bassador in  Germany  we  presented  a  plan  to  the  Department  for 
20  percent  cut  in  the  next  4  years  in  the  Embassy  personnel  alone, 
and  we  are  now  going  back  through  the  European  Bureau,  and  we 
are  cutting  more  and  more  and  more.  We  are  trying  to  cut. 

It  is  why  an  issue  like  Congressman  Engel's  suggestion  for  USIA 
post  in  Kosovo  gets  doubly  tricky,  because  his  concept  is  correct. 
But  because  it  is  now  a  zero  sum  gain,  we  will  have  to  cut  some- 
where else.  We  are  going  to  do  it  and  we  will  do  it  with  you. 

This  particular  issue  of  the  housing  I  feel  particularly  strongly 
about  for  reasons  we  both  understand. 

Mr.  Houghton.  I  understand. 

The  Chairman.  The  gentleman's  time  has  expired. 

Mr.  Houghton.  Thank  you. 

The  Chapman.  Mr.  Bereuter. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman.  I  just  have  three 
points  to  make  briefly  because  we  will  have  to  go  vote. 

First  of  all,  congratulations  on  any  role  that  you  played,  the 
United  States  collectively,  on  Turkey's  access  to  the  customs  union 
with  the  EU.  That  is  very  important. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Thank  you. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  I  am  interested  in,  perhaps  a  response  in  writing, 
as  to  what  kind  of  burdens  Turkey  is  playing  right  now  or  bearing 


with  respect  to  its  role  in  Operation  Provide  Comfort,  and  how  the 
prospects  look  for  our  relationship  there.1 

Secondly,  on  the  Southern  Balkans,  you  challenged  Mr.  Chabot 
on  the  subject  of  America  acting  as  a  great  power.  I  think  in  the 
southern  Balkans  it  is  time  for  America  to  act  as  a  great  power, 
to  improve  our  bilateral  relationships  not  only  with  Greece,  but 
also  with  Albania  and  Macedonia.  I  am  glad  to  hear  about  the  im- 
provement in  Albania.  The  Albanian  Enterprise  Fund,  at  least  a 
couple  weeks  ago,  still  was  not  up  and  running. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Released  last  week. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Good,  I  am  glad  to  hear  that. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  $30  million,  plus  private,  and  we  are  going  to 
make  a  major  effort  in  this  regard. 

Mr.  Bereuter.  I  tell  you  that  I  have  scarcely  run  into  people 
that  I  thought  were  more  pro-American  and  pro-democracy  and 
pro-capitalism  than  the  Albanians,  and  I  do  not  want  to  see  that 
fervor  downgraded  by  our  problems  there. 

Third,  I  would  like  to  move  to  Macedonia. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  May  I  just  say  on  Albania,  Congressman,  I 
made  this  one  of  my  major  goals  to  get  this  fund  announced.  It  was 
announced.  I  share  every  word  you  said.  I  went  to  Albania  for  the 
first  time  last  month,  and  I  saw  exactly  what  you  described,  and 
we  must  do  what  we  can  for  this  tiny  and  incredibly  poor  little 

Mr.  Bereuter.  Thank  you,  Ambassador,  for  your  work  on  that. 
I  have  been  pursuing  that  issue  with  some  interest. 

With  respect  to  Macedonia,  things  are  deteriorating  there.  The 
Greeks  embargo  is  taking  its  toll.  Our  European  allies  have  been 
atypically  assertive  about  ending  the  Greek  embargo.  United 
States  has  to  be  a  great  power  and  weigh  in  on  this  issue,  other- 
wise the  responsibility  for  what  happens  there  with  that  continued 
deterioration  falls  on  us  as  well.  We  have  to  have  an  ambassador 
there.  It  is  time.  Intransigance  on  both  sides  of  this  issue  between 
Greece  and  Macedonia  is  unacceptable.  We  have  to  improve  our  re- 
lationship with  Macedonia  and  with  Greece. 

If  you  need  bipartisan  cover  from  the  Congress,  some  of  us  will 
give  it  to  you.  But  it  is  time  to  act  in  that  area.  I  challenge  the 
administration  to  act  like  a  great  power,  and  take  that  step  be- 
cause the  intransigent  difficulties  we  are  having  there  is  not  get- 
ting us  anyplace. 

Mr.  Holbrooke.  Thank  you,  Congressman.  I  share  your  goal.  I 
am  operating  within  a  policy  which  will  only  allow  me  to  move 
there  if  we  get  a  little  bit  of  progress.  We  are  going  to  go  all  out 
in  the  next  few  weeks.  As  I  said  a  minute  ago,  I  think  the  selection 
of  a  President  in  Greece  was  an  important  part  of  that.  We  are 
going  to  work  very  closely  with  the  Greek  Government. 

I  do  want  to  take  note  now  in  a  positive  sense  that  the  Greek 
Government  made  the  decision  to  allow  the  customs  union  with 
Turkey  to  go  forward.  That  was  a  very  positive  step.  I  think  we 
have  to  work  with  both  our  longstanding  NATO  allies  in  Greece 
and  with  the  people  in  the  former  Yugoslavia  and  Republic  of  Mac- 
edonia. I  share  your  goal. 

1  Response  to  Rep.  Bereuter's  inquiry  appears  in  the  appendix. 


And  I  would  just  say  one  other  thing.  Our  charge  in  Skopia,  Mr. 
Comrass,  really  is  ambassador  level,  and  functions  in  that  way. 
But  nonetheless  I  take  your  point  and  I  understand  the  difference 
between  a  charge  and  an  ambassador. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Secretary,  we  thank  you  for  being  with  us 
today  and  our  patience. 

The  committee  stands  adjourned. 

[Whereupon,  at  11:52  a.m.,  the  committee  was  adjourned.] 





the  International  Relations  Committee 

U.S.  House  of  Representatives 

March  9,  1995 

Mr.  Chairman,  I  would  like  to  thank  you  for  the 
opportunity  to  outline  how  this  Administration  is  advancing  the 
President's  agenda  in  a  Europe  undergoing  profound  change. 

President  Clinton's  four  trips  to  Europe  last  year 
underlined  an  inescapable  fact:  the  United  States  has  become  a 
European  power  in  a  sense  that  goes  beyond  traditional 
assertions  of  American's  "commitment"  to  Europe.   In  the  21st 
century,  Europe  will  still  need  the  active  American  involvement 
that  has  been  a  necessary  component  of  the  continental  balance 
for  half  a  century.   Conversely,  an  unstable  Europe  would  still 
threaten  essential  national  security  interests  of  the  United 
States.   This  is  as  true  after  as  it  was  during  the  Cold  War. 

I  have  elaborated  this  view  at  some  length  in  the  current 
issue  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  draw  on  that  article  for  this 
statement  as  well. 

By  stating  that  America  remains  a  European  power— an 
enduring  and  essential  element  in  the  European  balance--I  do 
not  intend,  of  course,  to  suggest  that  nothing  in  Europe  has 
changed  even  though  the  Cold  War  has  ended.  Local  conflicts, 
internal  political  and  economic  instability,  and  the  return  of 
historical  grievances  have  now  replaced  Soviet  expansionism  as 
the  greatest  threat  to  peace  in  Europe.   Western  Europe  and 
America  must  jointly  ensure  that  tolerant  democracies  become 
rooted  throughout  all  of  Europe  and  that  the  seething,  angry, 
unresolved  legacies  of  the  past  are  contained  and  solved. 

Maintaining  peace  in  Europe  has  traditionally  depended  on 
a  complicated  set  of  structures  that  balanced  often-conflicting 
interests.    Europe's  diversity  and  historic  rivalries  remain  a 
determining  aspect  of  efforts  to  maintain  stability. 
Disappearance  of  Cold  War  structures  has  left  important  parts 
of  Europe  without  a  sense  of  security  provided  by  a  credible 
framework.  If  we  are  to  realize  our  goal  of  a  peaceful, 
democratic,  prosperous  and  undivided  Europe,  we  must  work  with 
our  European  partners  to  reestablish  a  sense  of  overall 

Today,  the  early  euphoria  that  surrounded  the  fall  of  the 
Berlin  Wall  and  the  collapse  of  the  Soviet  empire  has  yielded 
to  a  more  sober  appreciation  of  the  problems,  new  and  old.   The 
tragedy  of  Bosnia  does  not  diminish  the  responsibility  to  build 
a  new  comprehensive  structure  of  relationships  to  form  a  new 
security  architecture.   On  the  contrary,  Bosnia,  the-greatest 
collective  security  failure  of  the  West  since  the  1930s,  only 
underscores  the  urgency  of  that  task. 

Any  effort  to  redesign  the  new  security  architecture  of 
Europe  must  focus  first  on  central  Europe,  the  seedbed  of  more 
turmoil  and  tragedy  in  this  century  that  any  other  area  on  the 
continent.  The  two  most  destructive  wars  in  human  history  began 
from  events  on  its  plains,  and  the  Cold  War  played  itself  out 



in  its  ancient  and  storied  cities,  all  within  the  last  80 
years . 

Other  historic  watersheds  also  have  not  treated  this  area 
well.  First  the  treaties  of  Versailles  and  Trianon,  then  the 
agreements  of  Yalta  and  Potsdam,  and  finally  the  collapse  of 
the  Soviet  empire — those  three  benchmark  events  left  throughout 
central  Europe  a  legacy  of  unresolved  and  often  conflicting 
historical  resentments,  ambitions,  and  most  dangerous, 
territorial  and  ethnic  disputes.  If  any  of  these  malignancies 
spread--as  they  have  already  in  parts  of  the  Balkans  and  the 
Transcaucasus— general  European  stability  is  again  at  risk. 

But  if  there  are  great  problems  there  are  also  great 
possibilities.  For  the  first  time  in  history,  the  nations  of 
Central  Europe  have  the  chance  simultaneously  to  enjoy 
stability,  freedom,  and  independence  based  on  another  first: 
the  adoption  of  Western  democratic  ideals  as  a  common 
foundation  for  all  of  Europe.  The  emotional  but  also  practical 
lure  of  the  West  can  be  the  strongest  unifying  force  Europe  has 
seen  in  generations,  but  only  if  unnecessary  delay  does  not 
squander  the  opportunity. 

The  West  owes  much  of  its  success  to  the  great 
institutions  created  in  the  1940s  and  1950s.  If  those 
institutions  were  to  remain  closed  to  new  members,  they  would 
become  less  relevant  to  the  problems  of  the  post-Cold  War 
world.  It  would  be  a  tragedy  if,  through  delay  or  indecision, 
the  West  helped  create  conditions  that  brought  about  the  very 
problems  it  fears  the  most.  The  West  must  expand  to  central 
Europe  as  fast  as  possible  in  fact  as  well  as  in  spirit,  and 
the  United  States  is  ready  to  lead  the  way. 


The  central  security  pillar  of  the  new  architecture  is  a 
venerable  organization:  NATO.   Expansion  of  NATO  is  a  logical 
and  essential  consequence  of  the  disappearance  of  the  Iron 
Curtain  and  the  need  to  widen  European  unity  based  on  shared 
democratic  values.   But  even  before  NATO  expands,  its  strength 
and  know-how  are  already  playing  an  important  role  in  building 
a  new  sense  of  security  throughout  Europe. 

NATO  is  beginning  a  historic  transformation.-  Its  core 
purpose  of  collective  defense  remains,  but  new  goals  and 
programs  have  been  added:   collective  crisis  management, 
out-of-area  force  projection,  and  the  encouragement  of 
stability  to  the  east  through  the  Partnership  for  Peace  (PFP) . 
Static  forces  formerly  concentrated  to  meet  a  possible  Soviet 
attack  across  central  Europe  have  been  turned  into  more  lightly 
armed,  mobile,  and  flexible  multinational  corps  designed  to 
respond  to  a  different,  less  stable  world. 

Two  new  structures — the  North  Atlantic  Cooperation  Council 
and  the  PFP — are  specifically  designed  to  reach  out  to 
countries  that  are  not  NATO  members.  In  just  one  year,  the 
innovative  PFP  has  become  an  integral  part  of  the  European 
security  scene. 

Contrary  to  a  fairly  widespread  impression,  PFP  is  not  a 
single  organization;  rather,  it  is  a  series  of  individual 
agreements  between  NATO  and,  at  last  count,  25  other  countries 
ranging  from  Poland  to  Armenia,  including  Russia.  Each 
"partner"  country  creates  an  individual  program  to  meet  its  own 
needs.  PFP  helps  newly  democratic  states  restructure  and 


establish  democratic  control  of  their  military  forces  and  learn 
new  forms  of  military  doctrine,  environmental  control,  and 
disaster  relief.   It  provides  a  framework  in  which  NATO  and 
individual  partners  can  cooperate  in  crisis  management  and 
other  activities. 

PFP  also  provides  a  valuable  framework  for  evaluating  the 
ability  of  each  partner  to  assume  the  obligations  and 
commitments  of  NATO  membership--a  testing  ground  for  their 
capabilities.   And  for  those  partners  that  do  not  become  NATO 
members  the  PFP  will  provide  a  structure  for  increasingly  close 
cooperation  with  NATO — in  itself  an  important  building  block 
for  European  security. 

The  U.S.  and  its  Allies  have  agreed  on  a  robust  program  of 
practical  cooperation  with  Partner  states  that  builds  on  PFP's 
early  momentum.  For  example,  NATO  will  have  eleven  joint 
exercises  with  Partners  in  1995. 

No  issue  has  been  more  important,  controversial,  or 
misunderstood  than  whether  NATO  should  expand,  and  if  it 
expands,  why,  where,  when,  and  how.   NATO  heads  of  state  and 
government  at  the  January  1994  summit  decided  the  alliance 
would  eventually  expand.   This  decision  was  reaffirmed  by 
President  Clinton  during  his  return  to  Europe  last  June,  when 
he  stated  that  the  question  was  no  longer  whether  NATO  would 
expand  but  how  and  when. 

NATO  has  embarked  on  a  two-phase  program  for  1995.   During 
the  first  part  of  this  year,  NATO  is  determining  through  an 
internal  discussion  the  rationale  and  process  for  expanding  the 
new,  post-Cold  War  NATO.   Then,  in  the  months  prior  to  the 
December  1995  ministerial  meeting,  NATO's  views  on  these  two 
issues--"why"  and  "how" — will  be  presented  individually  to  PFP 
members.  This  will  mark  the  first  time  detailed  discussions  on 
this  subject  have  taken  place  outside  the  alliance.   Then  the 
ministers  will  meet  again  in  Brussels  in  December  and  review 
the  results  of  the  discussions  with  the  partners  before 
deciding  how  to  proceed. 

Several  key  points  should  be  stressed: 

o  First,  NATO  expansion  must  strengthen  security  in  the 
entire  region,  including  nations  that  are  not  members. 

o  Second,  the  rationale  and  process  for  NATO's  expansion, 
once  decided,  will  be  transparent,  not  secret.   All  Partners 
will  have  the  opportunity  to  hear  exactly  the  same  presentation 
from  NATO  later  this  year. 

o  Third,  there  is  no  timetable  or  list  of  nations  that 
will  be  invited  to  join  NATO.   The  answers  to  the  critical 
questions  of  who  and  when  will  emerge  after  completion  of  this 
phase  of  the  process. 

o  Fourth,  each  nation  will  be  considered  individually,  not 
as  part  of  some  grouping. 

o  Fifth,  the  decisions  as  to  who  joins  NATO  and  when  will 
be  made  exclusively  by  the  alliance.   No  outside  nation  will 
exercise  a  veto.  — 

o  Sixth,  although  criteria  for  membership  have  not  been 
determined,  certain  fundamental  precepts  reflected  in  the 
original  Washington  Treaty  remain  as  valid  as  they  were  in 
1949;  new  members  must  be  democratic,  have  market  economies,  be 
committed  to  responsible  security  policies,  and  be  able  to 
contribute  to  the  alliance.   As  President  Clinton  has  stated, 
"Countries  with  repressive  political  systems,  countries  with 
designs  on  their  neighbors,  countries  with  militaries  unchecked 


by  civilian  control  or  with  closed  economic  systems  need  not 
apply. " 

o  Lastly,  it  should  be  remembered  that  each  new  NATO 
member  constitutes  for  the  United  States  the  most  solemn  of  all 
commitments:  a  bilateral  defense  treaty  that  extends  the  U.S. 
security  umbrella  to  a  new  nation.   This  requires  ratification 
by  two^thirds  of  the  U.S.  Senate,  a  point  that  advocates  of 
immediate  expansion  often  overlook. 

In  this  context  let  me  briefly  state  why  this 
Administration,  while  leading  the  Alliance  on  the  issue  of  NATO 
expansion,  opposes  the  approach  taken  by  the  House  of 
Representatives  in  H.R.  7.  We  believe  this  bill  would  result  in 
the  opposite  effect  of  that  intended  by  many  of  its  sponsors. 
It  would  unilaterally  and  prematurely  declare  certain  countries 
as  qualified  for  NATO  membership,  writing  into  law  distinctions 
that  could  discourage  reformers  in  countries  not  named  and 
encourage  complacency  in  countries  that  are.  The  legislation 
would  complicate  the  expansion  process  by  needlessly  generating 
disagreements  with  our  Allies. 

The  Congress  should  reconsider  H.R.  7.  We  share  the  same 
goal  with  respect  to  NATO  expansion.  Eh  working  together 
without  the  constraints  of  unnecessary  legislation  we  will 
reach  that  goal  more  quickly. 

Fortifying  the  European  pillar  of  the  Alliance  contributes 
further  to  European  stability  and  to  transatlantic 
burden-sharing.   It  improves  our  collective  capacity  to  act. 
It  means  establishing  a  new  premise  of  collective  defense:   the 
United  States  should  not  be  the  only  NATO  member  that  can 
protect  vital  common  interests  outside  of  Europe. 

For  these  reasons  the  United  States  promoted  the  concept 
of  the  Combined  Joint  Task  Force.   CJTF  offers  a  practical 
vehicle  for  making  NATO  assets  and  capabilities  available  to 
our  European  allies,  should  the  Alliance  as  a  whole,  including 
the  US,  decide  not  to  participate.   It  is  based  on  the  notion 
that  Europe's  emerging  defense  identity  should  be  separable  but 
not  separate  from  NATO.   NATO  will  still  have  the  right  of 
first  refusal  to  deal  with  crises  that  do  not  automatically 
invoke  Article  5  of  the  Washington  Treaty,  but  if  the  alliance 
as  a  whole  chooses  not  to  act,  smaller  coalitions  of  willing 
members  can  draw  on  NATO  assets  to  deal  with  such  crises. 

NATO  expansion  cannot  occur  in  a  vacuum.   If  it  did,  it 
would  encourage  the  very  imbalances  and  instabilities  it  was 
seeking  to  avoid.   In  addition  to  NATO,  the  new  architecture 
involves  both  the  EU  and  other  arrangements  such  as  the 
Organization  for  Security  and  Cooperation  in  Europe  (OSCE) . 


For  more  than  forty  years  both  Democratic  and  Republican 
Administrations  have  supported  peaceful  European  integration. 
The  European  Union  has  become  a  vital  partner  in  trade, 
diplomacy  and  security.   Close  partnership  between  the  United 
States  and  the  European  Union  is  essential  to  our  common  agenda 
of  democratic  renewal. 

The  EU  is  one  of  our  largest  trading  partners,  with  $213 
billion  in  two-way  trade  in  1994.  U.S.  imports  from  the  EU 
represented  17  percent  of  total  U.S.  imports;  U.S.  exports  to 
the  EU  represented  21  percent  of  total  U.S.  exports.  We  are 


each  other's  most  significant  source  of  direct  investment — at 
the  end  of  1992  the  EU  had  more  than  $219  billion  invested  in 
the  U.S.,  and  the  U.S.  had  about  $201  billion  invested  in  EU 
countries  . 

Although  the  European  Union  is  usually  viewed  as  a 
political  and  economic  entity,  it  is  an  essential  pillar  of 
European  security.  The  integration  of  western  European  nations 
on  the  basis  of  democracy  and  free  market  economics  has 
virtually  transcended  old  territorial  disputes,  irredentist 
claims,  social  cleavages  and  ethnic  grievances  that  tore  apart 
European  societies  in  earlier  eras. 

Throughout  its  history  the  Union  has  strengthened  the 
democratic  impulse  of  a  wider  Europe. The  extension  of  the  Union 
eastward  will  be  immensely  important  both  politically  and 
economically.   It  will  integrate  and  stabilize  the  two  halves 
of  Europe. 

Expansion  of  NATO  and  the  EU  will  not  proceed  at  exactly 
the  same  pace.   Their  memberships  are  not  and  will  not  be 
identical,  but  the  two  organizations  ate  clearly  mutually 
supportive.  Expansion  of  both  is  equally  necessary  for  a  stable 
Europe . 


Both  EU  and  NATO  expansion  are  proceeding  within  the  broad 
context  of  a  new  European  security  archi  tec-ture .   Neither  is 
being  pursued  in  isolation.   Integration  of  Central  Europe  and 
the  nations  of  the  former  Soviet  Union  into  the  OECD,  the  GATT 
and  its  successor,  the  World  Trade  Organization,  and  such 
institutions  as  the  Council  of  Europe  all  complement  and 
support  the  gradual  expansion  of  NATO  and  the  EU. 

But  neither  NATO  nor  the  EU  can  be  everything  to 
everybody,  and  the  other  organizations  mentioned  above  are 
focused  on  narrower  issues.   This  points  to  the  need  in  the  new 
European  architectural  concept  for  a  larger  and  looser 
region-wide  organization  that  can  deal  with  a  variety  of 
challenges  which  neither  NATO  or  the  EU  is  suited  for 
addressing . 

Fortunately,  the  core  for  such  a  structure  has  existed  for 
some  years — the  Conference  for  Security  and  Cooperation  in 
Europe  (CSCE) .  Its  52  nation  structure  of  human  rights 
commitments,  consultations  and  efforts  at  cooperative  or 
preventive  diplomacy  had  begun  to  fill  a  niche  in  the  new 
Europe.   But  it  was  clear  by  the  middle  of  last  year  that  CSCE, 
while  offering  intriguing  possibilities,  was  wholly  inadequate 
to  the  opportunities  or  the  challenge.  Under  the  leadership  of 
the  United  States,  a  significant  evolution  of  this 
organization,  including  a  new  name,  was  started  in  December  at 
the  Budapest  CSCE  summit. 

Where  NATO  and  the  EU  begin  with  the  assumption  that  their 
members  share  common  goals,  the  Organization  for  Security  and 
Cooperation  in  Europe,  or  OSCE,  as  it  was  renamed,  presumes 
that  many  of  its  participants  disagree  on  how  its  standards  are 
to  be  implemented.   The  OSCE  takes  such  disagreement  as  a  given 
and  then  works  to  find  common  ground. 

Security  in  Europe  today  means  solving  conflicts,  many  of 
them  centuries  old,  before  they  escalate  as  Bosnia  has.   This 
is  why  we  have  strengthened  OSCE  mechanisms,  are  making 


vigorous  use  of  its  norms,  ensuring  full  implementation  of  its 
commitments,  and  increasing  political  and  material  support  for 
its  conflict  prevention  activities.   At  the  Budapest  Summit  a 
comprehensive  framework  for  the  future  of  conventional  arms 
control  was  developed;   uniform  non-proliferation  principles 
were  established  among  52  nations;  greater  political  and 
material  support  was  pledged  for  support  for  the  High 
Commissioner  on  National  minorities,  the  preventive  diplomacy 
missions,  and  the  Office  for  democratic  institutions  and  human 
rights;  and  Russia  and  the  OSCE  as  a  whole  agreed  to  merge 
negotiating  efforts  on  the  difficult  issue  of  Nagorno-Karabakh 
and  provide  peacekeepers  there  once  a  political  agreement  is 
reached--all  important  steps  on  OSCE ' s  path  to  becoming  a  more 
meaningful  organization  with  greater  capabilities,  operating 
without  regard  to  old  Cold  War  dividing  lines. 

These  decisions  complement  our  efforts  at  NATO,  and  the 
efforts  of  the  European  Union  to  pursue  cooperative,  integrated 
security  structures  for  Europe.  But  they  do  not  make  OSCE  a 
substitute  for  NATO  or  the  EU.  In  no  way  can  OSCE  be  made 
"superior"  to  NATO.   Because  the  functions,  as  well  as  the 
structures  of  OSCE  and  NATO  are  entirely  different,  and  shall 
remain  so,  OSCE  will  not  become  the  umbrella  organization  for 
European  security,  nor  will  it  oversee  the  work  of  the  NATO 
alliance.   But  we  must  develop  new  methods  to  identify  and  deal 
with  future  potential  Bosnia  by  addressing  at  an  early  stage 
the  causes  of  conflict.   The  OSCE  must  prove  its  worth  in  this 
area,  as  the  CSCE  did  in  spreading  democratic  values  and 
legitimizing  human  rights.  More  must  be  done. 

This  brings  us  to  another  essential  pillar  of  the  new 
security  architecture:  relations  with  Russia.  If  the  West  is  to 
create  an  enduring  and  stable  security  framework  for  Europe,  it 
must  solve  the  most  enduring  strategic  problem  of  Europe  and 
integrate  the  nations  of  the  former  Soviet  Union,  especially. 
Russia,  into  a  stable  European  security  system. 

The  U.S.  objective  remains  a  healthy  Russia — a  democratic 
Russia  pursuing  reform  and  respecting  the  rights  of  its 
citizens,  not  fragmenting  into  ethnic  conflict  and  civil  war. 
This  is  why  the  events  in  Chechnya  are  so  disturbing.  Chechnya 
has  become  a  serious  setback  for  the  cause  of  reform, 
democratization,  and  the  evolution  of  the  Russian- Federation  as 
a  stable,  democratic,  multiethnic  state. 

But  as  President  Clinton  stated  in  January,  as  Russia 
undergoes  a  historic  transformation,  reacting  reflexively  to 
each  of  the  ups  and  downs  that  it  is  bound  to  experience, 
perhaps  for  decades  to  come,  would  be  a  terrible  mistake.  If 
the  forces  of  reform  are  embattled,  the  United  States  must 
reinforce,  not  retreat  from,  its  support  for  them. 

Enhancement  of  stability  in  central  Europe  is  a  mutual 
interest  of  Russia  and  the  United  States.   NATO,  which  poses  no 
threat  to  Russian  security,  seeks  a  direct  and  open 
relationship  with  Russia  that  both  recognizes  RussiaJs  special 
position  and  stature  and  reinforces  the  integrity  of  the  other 
newly  independent  states  of  the  former  Soviet  Union. 

It  is  in  our  interest  for  the  NATO-Russia  relationship  to 
develop  in  parallel  with  NATO  expansion.  But  this  relationship 
can  only  deepen  if  Russia  stays  on  the  path  of  reform  and 
respects  international  norms. 


NATO  and  Russia  already  have  a  solid  relationship  through 
Russia's  membership  in  the  North  Atlantic  Cooperation  Council 
(NACC)  and  through  active  diplomatic  contacts.  The  next  step  is 
Russian  acceptance  of  the  documents  which  it  has  already 
negotiated  with  the  Alliance  setting  forth  the  terms  of  the 
relationship  both  within  and  outside  of  PFP.  This  will  include 
cooperative  efforts  in  areas  where  Russia  can  offer  special 
expertise  or  capabilities,  including  nuclear  non-proliferation. 

Informal  discussions  of  the  next  steps  in  NATO-Russia 
relations,  while  in  a  highly  preliminary  phase,  continued  in 
January  when  Secretary  Christopher  met  in  Geneva  with  Russian 
Foreign  Minister  Andrei  Kozyrev. 

Any  such  arrangements  as  part  of  a  new  security 
architecture  must  also  consider  the  special  case  of  Ukraine. 
Its  geostrategic  position  makes  its  independence  and  integrity 
a  critical  element  of  European  security. 

With  your  permission,  Mr.  Chairman,  I  would  like  to  focus 
more  specifically  on  the  ways  we  are  matching  our  policy  with 
our  resources  to  advance  U.S.  national  interests. 


The  evolution  of  Europe's  security  architecture,  guided  in 
large  part  by  the  U.S.,  will  result  in  a  fundamental 
transformation  and  expansion  of  our  bilateral  and  multilateral 
security  relations  with  the  Central  European  states.   Our  FY 
1996  security  assistance  reguests  reflect  the  high  priority  we 
attach  to  nurturing  these  relationships. 

Our  reguests  are  carefully  designed  to  support  our  central 
security  policy  goals  in  the  region,  including  advancing  PFP, 
enhancing  U.S. -Central  European  defense  cooperation,  promoting 
regional  stability,  fostering  regional  cooperation,  and 
encouraging  other  states  to  play  a  greater  role  in 
multinational  peacekeeping  activities. 

In  previous  years,  we  have  been  able  to  devote  only 
limited  security  assistance  resources  to  the  region. 
This  year,  we  have  increased  resources  in  support  of  major 
policy  initiatives,  including  PFP,  in  conjunction- with 
security  assistance  efforts  in  the  region.   All  of  the 
democracies  in  Central  Europe  are  eager  to  participate  in 
cooperative  defense  activities  with  us,  but  most  lack  the 
wherewithal  to  do  so. 

We  have  designed  a  set  of  distinct,  but 
mutually-reinforcing  security  assistance  reguests  to  advance 
U.S.  policy  objectives  in  Europe.  We  believe  our  efforts  are 
consistent  with  the  spirit  of  the  NATO  Participation  Act  of 
1994  . 

First,  the  Administration  has  included  $60  million  in 
military  assistance  for  Central  European  countries  emd  the  New 
Independent  States  under  the  Partnership  for  Peace  program.  In 
addition,  the  Department  of  Defense  budget  request  contains  $40 
million  for  Partnership  for  Peace  activities  more  appropriately 
conducted  under  DOD  authorities.  Collectively,  this  $100 
million  will  meet  the  commitment  made  by  the  President  last 
summer  in  Warsaw  to  support  the  Partnership  for  Peace.  These 
funds  will  facilitate  partner  participation  in  PFP  activities; 
improve  the  compatibility  and  interoperability  of  these 


countries'  militaries  with  NATO  forces;  build  bilateral  ties 
between  U.S.  and  Central  European  militaries;  provide  us  the 
opportunity  to  influence  the  evolution  of  these  defense 
establishments;  and  finance  a  range  of  cooperative  multilateral 
security  activities. 

In  addition,  $25  million  is  proposed  for  Central  European 
defense  infrastructure,  peacekeeping,  and  related  programs. 
These  funds  will  continue  the  process  of  equipping  and  training 
the  Baltic  Peacekeeping  Battalion,  and  will  support  the 
reorientation  of  Central  European  militaries  to  defensive 
postures,  regional  cooperation  based  on  uniform  standards  of 
equipment,  and  expanded  military  cooperation  with  the  U.S.  and 

Third,  $25  million  is  requested  for  peacekeeping 
operations  in  Central  Europe--another  way  to  integrate  the 
military  forces  of  these  nations  into  broader,  cooperative 
security  arrangements. 

Finally,  the  Administration  has  requested  $7  million  for 
the  International  Military  Education  and  Training  (IMET) 
program,  which  provides  military  educa1  ion  and  training  on  a 
grant  basis  to  students  from  allied  and  friendly  nations.  IMET 
is  an  extremely  cost  effective  component  of  U.S.  foreign 
policy.  It  provides  training  in  defense  management  concepts, 
civil-military  relations,  human  rights  and  military  justice  for 
civilian  and  military  defense  officia-ls,  members  of  national 
parliaments  charged  with  defense  oversignt,  and  NGO  personnel 
from  Central  Europe.   It  provides  U.S.  access  and  influence  in 
a  sector  of  society  which  often  plays  a  critical  role  in  the 
transition  to  democracy. 


Our  efforts  at  building  a  viable  security  architecture  for 
Europe  can  only  succeed  if  democracy  and  market  economies  take 
root  throughout  Central  Europe.   Democratic  reform  in  this 
region  is  as  important  to  U.S.  interests  now  as  when  the  SEED 
Act  was  passed  in  1989   The  success  of  these  democratic  and 
market  reforms  makes  us  all  more  secure;  they  are  the  best 
answer  to  the  aggressive  nationalism  and  ethnic  hatreds 
uncorked  by  the  end  of  the  Cold  War. 

But  the  process  of  political  and  economic  transformation 
is  jeopardized  today  by  a  host  of  challenges  --  organized 
crime,  ethnic  tensions,  unemployment  and  other  social 
dislocations,  the  return  of  historic  grievances,  and  the  fire 
that  continues  to  rage  in  the  Balkans. 

Democratic  institutions  have  been  established,  but  they 
remain  fragile.   Credible  and  transparent  elections  have  been 
held,  but  in  some  countries  the  governing  coalitions  are 
unstable.  Participatory  structures  for  local  government  are 
still  rudimentary.   There  is  an  urgent  need  for  social  sector 
restructuring  throughout  the  region  to  solidify  popular  support 
for  continued  reform  and  reduce  heavy  burdens  on  weak  budgets. 

In  FY  1996,  we  are  requesting  $480  million  through  the 
SEED  program  to  maintain  our  assistance  for  democratic  and 
economic  reform  in  Central  Europe.   These  funds  will  promote 
small  business  development  to  spur  job  creation.   They  will 
restructure  the  financial  sectors  of  the  Central  European 
countries  and  they  will  establish  lega],  regulatory  and 


institutional  frameworks  conducive  to  private  investment.   In 
addition,  they  will  help  build  accountable,  responsive  public 
administration  at  the  central  and  local  levels.   They  will-  also 
help  combat  organized  crime.   Finally,  they  will  support  social 
sector  reform  in  areas  like  health  and  housing. 


The  tragic  war  in  Bosnia  underscores  the  importance  of 
building  an  effective  new  architecture  for  conflict  prevention 
and  resolution  in  Europe.   Together  with  our  partners  in  the 
Contact  Group,  we  are  seeking  a  negotiated  solution.   The 
Contact  Group  plan  with  its  51/49  territorial  division  must  be 
the  basis  for  a  settlement,  and  Bosnia's  territorial  integrity 
and  independence  must  be  respected. 

As  you  know,  the  parties  entered  into  a  ceasefire  and  a 
cessation  of  hostilities  last  fall.  But  we  are  entering  a  very 
precarious  stage  of  this  crisis.   In  the  coming  months,  we  face 
a  real  risk  of  renewed  and  more  destructive  conflict  not  only 
in  Bosnia  but  in  Croatia  and  perhaps  elsewhere  in  the  Balkans. 

We  have  used  every  opportunity  cU"  inci  this  period  to 
intensify  our  diplomatic  efforts  to  bring  an  end  to  the  war. 
At  a  meeting  on  February  14,  the  Contact  Group  discussed  an 
initiative,  backed  by  Bosnian  President  Izetbegovic,  to  gain 
President  Milosevic's  recognition  of  Bosnia  and  other  former 
Yugoslav  republics,  as  well  as  his  agreement  to  implement 
tougher  sanctions  enforcement  against  the  Bosnian  Serbs. 

Only  a  negotiated  settlement  has  any  chance  of  lasting. 
This  Administration  is  committed  to  pursuing  that  goal.   What 
we  must  not  do  is  worsen  the  situation  by  unilaterally  lifting 
the  arms  embargo.   We  have  always  believed  the  embargo  is 
unfair  and  worked  to  end  it  multi laterally.   But  going  it  alone 
would  lead  to  the  withdrawal  of  UNPROFOR  and  more  violence. 
Such  a  course  would  leave  Sarajevo  and  the  enclaves  extremely 
vulnerable  to  Serb  offensives.   It  would  effectively 
Americanize  the  conflict,  and  lead  others  to  abandon  the 
sanctions  on  Serbia.   It  would  undermine  the  authority  of  all 
UN  Security  Council  resolutions,  including  those  that  impose 
sanctions  on  Iraq  and  Libya. 

Our  efforts  to  end  the  bloodshed  and  promote  a  just  and 
durable  peace  are  underpinned  by  our  assistance  efforts.   The 
United  States  has  provided  over  $850  million  in  humanitarian 
assistance  since  1991  --  the  most  by  any  nation.   We  have 
provided  the  largest  quantity  ^of  food  and  have  performed  over 
three-quarters  of  all  airdrops. 

Parallel  to  ongoing  diplomatic  efforts  to  secure  a 
peaceful  solution  to  the  conflict  in  Bosnia,  we  are  working  on 
second  track  to  provide  practical  and  political  support  to  the 
fledgling  Bosnia  Federation.   I  would  like  to  bring  you  up 
to  date  on  our  latest  actions  aimed  at  nurturing  the 
Federation's  development.  — 

You  may  recall  that,  as  the  result  of  our  leadership,  the 
Federation  was  launched  in  March,  1994  when  the  Bosniac  and 
Croat  communities  within  the  Republic  of  Bosnia-Herzegovina 
agreed  to  stop  fighting  each  other  and  join  in  a  federal 
structure  as  a  first  step  in  recreating  a  peaceful, 
multi-ethnic  Bosnia-Herzegovina  in  which  all  persons, 
regardless  of  ethnicity,  may  live  in  peace  and  security. 


Over  the  past  year,  the  ceasefire  between  the  Bosniacs  and 
Croats  has  held.  Nevertheless,  significant  bottlenecks  have 
impeded  the  full  maturation  of  the  Washington  Accords  which 
launched  the  Federation.   Consequently,  last  month  in  Munich 
Defense  Secretary  Perry  and  I  met  with  Bosnian  Muslim  and  Croat 
leaders  which  resulted  in  a  Nine-Point  Plan  to  support  the 

Secretary  Christopher  has  already  taken  action  on  one  of 
the  key  points  by  naming  Roberts  Owen,  a  highly  respected 
lawyer  from  Covington  and  Burling,  as  the  international 
arbitrator  to  render  binding  decisions  on  all  matters  referred 
to  him  by  either  side.   On  March  7,  we  sent  notification  to  the 
Congress  of  our  intent  to  provide  $500,000  of  SEED  money  to 
fund  Owen's  important  work.   This  is  an  effective  and  low-cost 
way  of  working  through  some  of  the  more  contentious  issues 
facing  the  Federation;  Bob  Owen  is  the  kind  of  experienced 
lawyer  who  will  gain  the  confidence  of  both  sides. 

Next  week  will  mark  the  one-year  anniversary  of  the 
Washington  Accords  which  brought  the  Bosnia  Federation  into 
being.   It  is  my  pleasure  to  announce  today  that,  consistent 
with  the  Munich  Plan  and  following  mon1  lis  of  consultations  with 
our  friends  and  allies,  the  United  Stales  and  the  European 
Union  will  co-host  a  meeting  here  in  Washington  on  March  16  to 
launch  a  small  group  of  countries  called  "Friends  of  the 
Federation."   Top  Federation  leaders  as  well  as  President 
Izetbegovic  of  the  Republic  of  Bosnia-Herzegovina  and  President 
Tudjman  of  the  Republic  of  Croatia  will  attend. 

The  Friends  of  the  Federation,  which  is  an  informal 
grouping  of  donors  who  have  committed  substantial  resources  to 
the  Federation  beyond  humanitarian  relief,  will  not  be  another 
assistance  grouping  or  bureaucratic  entity.   Rather,  the 
Friends  will  provide  an  informal  consultative  vehicle  to 
periodically  focus  on  the  Federation's  development  and 
problems.   Here  in  the  U.S.,  we  hope  to  garner  additional 
private  sector  support  for  the  Federation  as  well. 

Developments  in  Croatia  have  also  required  sustained 
high-level  attention.   In  fact,  I  returned  yesterday  from 
meetings  with  President  Tudjman  and  the  Croatian  leadership.  I 
would  like  to  outline  the  situation  briefly. 

Croatia  has  experienced  three  years  of  stalemate  since 
early  1992,  when  UNPROFOR  was  established  to  help  restore  peace 
and  pave  the  way  for  talks  between  the  Zagreb  Government  and 
breakaway  Serbs.   As  a  result,  President  Tudjman  decided  in 
January  to  end  UNPROFOR ' s  mission  in  Croatia,  preparing  a 
possible  military  assault  to  re-take  the  27  percent  of  Croatia 
still  in  Serb  hands,  while  at  the  same  time  pursuing  economic 
and  political  talks  with  the  Serbs. 

In  response  to  these  pressure  tactics,  however,  the  Serbs 
became  recalcitrant.   President  Milosevic  in  Belgrade  rejected 
proposals  from  the  Contact  Group  and  from  Zagreb  to  *ecog"nize 
Croatia.   The  Croatian  Serb  leadership  in  Knin  suspended  talks 
with  Zagreb  on  reopening  transport  routes  and  restoring  utility 
supplies.   This  gave  Croatia  even  less  reason  to  reconsider  the 
decision  to  expel  the  UN  forces.   The  result  has  been  an 
escalating  spiral  of  tension:   both  sides  digging  in--literally 
and  f iguratively--and  likely  to  start  fighting  over  the  buffer 
zone  that  the  UN  would  have  to  vacate. 


To  break  this  dangerous  spiral,  I  went  to  Zagreb  with  a 
two-part  message:   we  support  the  goal  of  Croatian 
reintegration,  but  we  think  expelling  the  UN  would  unavoidably 
re-start  the  war.   I  explored  with  President  Tudjman 
possibilities  for  maintaining  an  international  presence  in 
Croatia  that  does  not  perpetuate  an  unjust  status  quo,  but  that 
helps  avoid  hostilities.   I  was  encouraged  that  he  clearly 
preferred  to  obtain  a  peaceful  settlement  if  possible.   He  also 
emphasized  the  importance  of  controlling  Croatia's  border,  to 
deter  Serbian  military  equipment  and  personnel  from  coming  into 
Croatia  out  of  Serbia  and  Bosnia. 

The  Croatian  situation  is  a  complicated  problem  and  many 
pitfalls  lie  ahead.   Still,  I  have  come  back  from  my  trip,  and 
subsequent  consultations  with  our  Contact  Group  partners, 
relatively  optimistic  that  a  resolution  to  the  current  crisis 
can  be  found.   With  delicate  negotiations  continuing  at  this 
moment,  all  I  can  say  now  is  that  it  should  be  possible  to 
reconfigure  the  UN  presence  in  Croatia  to  satisfy  the  most 
important  legitimate  concerns  of  the  Croats  and  Serbs,  while 
keeping  faith  with  the  relevant  UN  Security  Council  resolutions. 


The  southern  Balkans  and  Aegean  are  becoming  increasingly 
important  to  Western  and  U.S.  interests  since  the  end  of  the 
Cold  War.   Conflict  or  instability  in  these  regions  can  impact 
directly  on  the  stability  of  central  Europe,  and  tensions 
between  Greece  and  Turkey  can  weaken  the  ability  of  NATO  to 
provide  a  foundation  for  the  expansion  of  European  institutions. 

Cyprus  is  key  to  any  long  term  reduction  in  tensions  between 
these  two  NATO  allies.   For  that  reason,  as  well  as  our 
long-standing  humanitarian  interest  in  the  situation  there,  this 
Administration  has  upgraded  our  efforts  in  support  of  a 
resolution  of  the  island's  division.   In  January,  President 
Clinton  appointed  one  of  this  nation's  foremost  attorneys, 
Richard  Beattie,  as  the  first  Presidential  Emissary  for  Cyprus 
since  1980.   Mr.  Beattie  visited  Cyprus  and  Greece  last  month, 
and  is  in  Turkey  this  week  where  he  is  meeting  with  the  Turkish 

We  believe  the  EU  decision  last  Monday  to  begin  Cyprus 
accession  talks  after  the  1996  EU  Intergovernmental  Conference 
introduces  a  new  incentive  for  both  communities  on  the  island  to 
work  more  effectively  to  resolve  their  differences. 

In  addition  to  these  efforts  to  address  the  island's 
division,  we  have  been  working  actively  to  carry  out  Congress' 
mandate  to  investigate  missing  persons  on  Cyprus.   We  have  sent 
advance  personnel  to  meet  with  representatives  of  both 
communities  and  to  prepare  the  way  for  a  full  time  team  of 
investigators  that  we  expect  to  send  later  this  spring. 

Greece  views  the  changed  world  situation  as  an  opportunity 
to  play  a  leading  regional  role.   We  are  cooperating- with  Greece 
to  help  it  play  this  role,  and  to  support  economic  and  political 
reform  among  its  neighbors.   Greece,  as  a  member  of  NATO  and  the 
EU,  is  ideally  suited  to  accomplish  this  goal. 

However,  Greece's  disputes  with  its  neighbors  have  hindered 
its  ability  to  exert  leadership  in  the  Balkans.   Concerns  about 
the  treatment  of  the  ethnic  Greek  population  in  Albania  led  to 
tension  between  Athens  and  Tirana.   This  tension  was  aggravated 


last  summer  by  the  attack  on  the  Albanian  border  post  at 
Peshkepi  and  by  the  arrest  and  conviction  of  five  members  of  the 
Greek-Albanian  community. 

I  am  pleased  to  report  that  it  appears  relations  between 
Greece  and  Albania  are  improving,  and  both  governments  are 
actively  seeking  to  further  normalize  their  bilateral 
relationship.   The  Omonia  defendants  have  been  released  from 
detention.   FM  Papoulias  will  visit  Albania  this  month.   Greece 
has  invited  Albania  to  participate  in  a  Partnership  for 
Peace-type  exercise  this  spring.   The  United  States  Government 
will  continue  to  play  an  active  role  in  urging  moderation  and 
promoting  direct  dialogue  to  resolve  outstanding  issues.   We 
will  continue  to  urge  the  Albanian  government  to  respect  the 
human  rights  of  all  its  citizens. 

Since  February  1994,  Greece  has  enforced  an  embargo  against 
FYROM.   Greece  claims  that  FYROM's  use  of  the  name  "Macedonia", 
the  "Vergina  Star"  on  its  flag,  and  certain  constitutional 
provisions  imply  claims  against  Greece.   This  is  a  dangerous 
situation.   It  risks  further  instability  in  the  region  and  could 
complicate  our  efforts  to  reach  a  resolution  of  the  situation  in 
the  rest  of  former  Yugoslavia.   The  United  States  Government, 
through  Special  Envoy  Matthew  Nimetz,  has  actively  supported  UN 
efforts  under  Cyrus  Vance  to  mediate  a  resolution  to  the 
dispute.   Mr.  Vance  has  held  a  number  of  discussions'  with  the 
parties  over  the  last  two  years.   We  expect  another  round  in  the 
near  future-. 

Tensions  between  Greece  and  Turkey  reflect  centuries  of 
distrust  and  hostility,  and  are  particularly  dangerous  at  this 
time.   We  are  working  to  improve  the  environment  for  reducing 
tensions  with  our  efforts  on  Cyprus,  and  most  recently  with  our 
support  for  the  completion  of  the  customs  union  between  Turkey 
and  the  EU.   The  lifting  of  the  Greek  veto  and  the  consequent  EU 
agreement  on  March  6  to  move  forward  on  that  customs  union  will 
make  a  major  contribution  to  stability  in  the  region  by 
strengthening  Turkey's  ties  to  the  west,  promoting  its  economic 
development,  and  improving  the  atmosphere  for  cooperation 
between  these  two  important  NATO  allies.   We  are  seeking  to 
follow  up  on  this  development  by  encouraging  other  measures  to 
reduce  the  chances  of  confrontation  and  prevent  differences 
between  these  two  countries  from  further  complicating  NATO 
operations . 

In  Turkey,  we  seek  the  further  development  of  a  democratic, 
secular  state  with  a  prosperous  economy,  a  supportive  approach 
to  Western  interests,  and  high  human  rights  standards.   Turkey 
is  going  through  a  difficult  period  in  which  its  commitments  to 
ties" to  the  West  and  to  Western  principles  are  being 
challenged.   Our  interests  are  considerable.   Turkey  stands  at 
the  crossroads  of  almost  every  issue  of  importance  to  the  U.S. 
on  the  Eurasian  continent  —  including  NATO,  the  Balkans, 
Cyprus,  the  Aegean,  Iraq  Sanctions,  Middle  East  peace,  Russian 
relations  in  the  Caucasus  and  Central  Asia,  and  transit  routes 
for  Caspian  oil  and  gas.  — 

Our  policy  reflects  the  continuity  of  shared  security 
interests  and  intensive  security  cooperation.   Assistance  has 
declined  with  the  end  of  the  Cold  War,  but  Turkey  is  still  an 
important  member  of  NATO,  and  we  seek  continued  assistance  to 
support  both  U.S.  and  Turkish  security  interests  in  the  region. 
Turkey  faces  potentially  serious  security  threats  from  Iran  and 
Iraq,  natixins  which  continue  to  pose  security  problems  for  the 


region.   There  can  be  no  effective  enforcement  of  UN  sanctions 
against  Irag  without  active  Turkish  cooperation.   Turkish 
cooperation  is  also  critical  for  Operation  Provide  Comfort, 
which  enforces  Iragi  compliance  with  UNSCR  688.   Provide  Comfort 
deters  Iragi  repression  and  provides  humanitarian  assistance  to 
the  people  of  northern  Irag.   It  is  a  vital  cornerstone  of  our 
Irag  policy. 

We  also  have  important  economic  interests  in  Turkey.   A 
stable,  prosperous  economy  is  necessary  for  a  stable  country, 
and  Turkey's  economy  is  experiencing  difficulties  as  the 
government  attempts  to  complete  crucial  economic  reforms  that 
were  begun  in  the  1980's.   Ankara's  scrupulous  enforcement  of 
Iragi  sanctions  have  made  this  process  more  difficult.   ESF 
supports  efforts  to  stabilize  the  Turkish  economy,  which  is  also 
in  U.S.  commercial  interests.   The  Department  of  Commerce  has 
designated  Turkey  one  of  the  world's  ten  "Big  Emerging  Markets," 
with  enormous  economic  potential  for  U.S.  trade  and  investment. 
This  Administration  is  committed  to  tapping  this  potential  in 
Turkey  as  elsewhere.   Over  150  U.S.  fiims  with  investments  of  $1 
billion  in  Turkey  share  our  determination  and  our  optimism. 

I  want  to  make  clear  that  the  assistance  we  propose  is  a 
good  economic  investment  for  U.S.  taxpayers  as  well  as  serving 
our  strategic  and  political  interests.   Despite  current 
stresses,  the  fundamentals  of  the  Turkish  economy  remain  strong 
and  the  prospects  bright.   Turkey  has  a  young  and  well-educated 
labor  force,  active  markets,  and  has  taken  an  important  step 
towards  a  new  place  inside  the  colossal  European  Union  customs 
zone  as  of  this  week. 

Finally,  I  want  to  assure  you  that  the  Administration  is 
making  a  very  serious  effort  to  help  Turkey  improve  its 
performance  in  an  area  which  is  very  important  to  all  of  us  and 
to  Turkey:  human  rights.   We  are  very  concerned  by  the  human 
rights  situation  in  Turkey.   I  urge  reform  every  time  I  meet 
with  senior  Turkish  officials,  and  it  was  an  important  part  of 
my  discussions  when  I  visited  Ankara  last  month.   EU  Allies  also 
stress  the  need  for  reform  --  most  recently  this  week  in 
announcing  agreement  to  the  EU-Turkey  customs  union.   Turkish 
officials  well  understand  that  they  cannot  have  the  full 
partnership  with  the  West  they  seek  until  they  have 
significantly  improved  their  performance  in  this  area. 


Historically,  strife  in  Northern  Ireland  has  been  tragic 
evidence  that  central  and  southeastern  Europe  are  not  the  only 
parts  of  the  region  that  suffer  from  legacies  of  violence  and 
hatred.  The  United  States  actively  supports  efforts  by  the 
people  of  Northern  Ireland,  and  the  British  and  Irish 
governments  to  find  a  peaceful  settlement — and  there  are  now 
reasons  for  hope.   We  welcome  the  cease-fires  now  in  effect,  and 
believe  the  process  of  disarmament  should  now  begin.   In 
November  the  President  laid  out  a  number  of  initiatives  to 
enhance  our  support  for  the  political  and  economic  — 
revitalization  of  Northern  Ireland  and  the  border  counties  of 
Ireland,  including  a  White  House  Conference  on  Trade  and 
Investment,  and  increasing  the  U.S.  contribution  to  the 
International  Fund  tor  Ireland  from  $20  to  $30  million  over  the 
next  two  years. 

We  are  well  aware  of  your  abiding  interest  in  these  matters, 
Mr.  Chairman,  and  would  be  pleased  to  appear  before  your 


Committee  at  a  future  date  to  discuss  them  in  fuller  detail. 

Taken  together,  the  initiatives  I  have  outlined  underscore 
our  efforts  to  build  a  new  European  security  framework  --  to 
expand  democracy  and  prosperity,  to  integrate  political, 
economic  and  security  institutions,  and  to  build  a  unity  that 
has  always  eluded  Europe,  even  with  American  involvement. 

It  will  take  some  time  before  the  forms  and  patterns  of  a 
new  era  settle  into  place.   In  the  meantime,  we  must  expect 
continuing  change  and  upheaval  in  Europe--at  times  promising,  at 
times  frightening.   There  are  great  problems.   But  there  are 
also  great  opportunities.   To  turn  away  from  the  challenges 
would  only  mean  paying  a  higher  price  later. 

The  United  States  will  be  an  active  participant  in  Europe 
for  a  simple  reason— our  self-interest  requires  it.   As  we 
proceed  along  this  course,  I  look  forward  to  close  cooperation 
with  members  of  this  committee  and  with  Congress  in  general. 

Thank  you. 



Question  for  the  Record  Submitted  to  Assistant  Secretary  Richard  C. 


Question.  I  am  interested  in,  perhaps  a  response  in  writing,  as  to  what  kind  of 
burdens  Turkey  is  paying  right  now  or  bearing  with  respect  to  its  role  in  Operation 
Provide  Comfort,  and  how  the  prospects  look  for  our  relationship  there. 

Answer.  The  GOT  hosts  Operation  Provide  Comfort,  which  enforces  the  "no-fly 
zone"  and  supports  humanitarian  relief  efforts  in  northern  Iraq.  This  operation  is 
essential  to  the  U.S.  and  Western  initiative  to  contain  Iraq. 

We  understand  that  many  turks  disapprove  of  Provide  Comfort.  They  believe  it 
fosters  the  creation  of  a  de  facto  Kurdish  state  on  Turkey's  border.  Such  a  state 
could  threaten  the  integrity  of  Turkey  by  stimulating  Kurdish  nationalism  among 
Turkey's  estimated  12  million  Kurds,  many  of  whom  live  in  the  Southeast. 

The  absence  of  governmental  authority  and  the  outbreak  of  fighting  among  Iraqi 
Kurds  has  contributed  to  a  situation  in  which  the  terrorist  Kurdistan  Workers' 
Party  (PKK)  can  and  does  operate  against  Turkey.  Ankara  has  justified  its  incursion 
into  northern  Iraq  as  necessary  to  remedy  this  situation. 

Many  Turks  also  maintain  that  Provide  Comfort  impedes  the  reestablishment  of 
normal  relations  with  Iraq,  formerly  Turkey's  second  largest  trading  partner  and  a 
key  supplier  of  oil.  The  sanctions  regime  against  Iraq  is  a  major  economic  burden 
to  Turkey.  GOT  officials  argue  that  the  sanctions  against  Iraq  have  cost  Turkey 
some  $18-$20  billion.  Our  own  estimate  is  a  considerably  less,  but  still  large:  $5 
billion.  Turkish  officials  also  point  out  that  the  Southeast  has  been  the  region  most 
heavily  hit  by  sanctions,  and  that  economic  privation  has  promoted  PKK  recruit- 

Operation  Provide  Comfort  serves  Turkey's  interests  by  preventing  the  major  in- 
flux of  mainly  Kurdish  refugees  that  could  result  from  reestablishment  of  Saddam's 
authority  in  the  region.  Turkey's  Parliament  has  voted  every  6  months  to  extend 
the  mandate  for  the  Operation,  although  majorities  have  been  shrinking  and  exten- 
sive government  lobbying  has  been  increasingly  necessary. 

The  GOT's  support  for  Provide  Comfort  and  the  sanctions  regime,  despite  the 
heavy  political  and  economic  costs,  indicates  Turkey's  steadfastness  as  an  ally.  The 
USG  has  made  a  point  of  expressing  our  appreciation  for  the  burden  Turkey  has 
shouldered  in  maintaining  the  sanctions  regime  and  hosting  Provide  Comfort.  The 
future  of  Provide  Comfort,  and  the  effectiveness  of  U.N.  sanctions  against  Iraq,  de- 
pend heavily  on  the  overall  future  of  U.S.-Turkish  relations. 


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